Fushuan [he/him]


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Shared poibters are used while multithreading, imagine that you have a process controller that starts and manages several threads which then run their own processes.

    Some workflows might demand that an object is instantiated from the controller and then shared with one or several processes, or one of the processes might create the object and then send it back via callback, which then might get sent to several other processes.

    If you do this with a race pointer, you might end in in a race condition of when to free that pointer and you will end up creating some sort of controller or wrapper around the pointer to manage which process is us8ng the object and when is time to free it. That’s a shared pointer, they made the wrapper for you. It manages an internal counter for every instance of the pointer and when that instance goes out of scope the counter goes down, when it reaches zero it gets deleted.

    A unique pointer is for when, for whatever reason, you want processes to have exclusive access to the object. You might be interested in having the security that only a single process is interacting with the object because it doesn’t process well being manipulated from several processes at once. With a raw pointer you would need to code a wrapper that ensures ownership of the pointer and ways to transfer it so that you know which process has access to it at every moment.

    In the example project I mentioned we used both shared and unique pointers, and that was in the first year of the job where I worked with c++. How was your job for you not to see the point of smart pointers after 7 years? All single threaded programs? Maybe you use some framework that makes the abstractions for you like Qt?

    I hope these examples and explanations helped you see valid use cases.

  • I think that it’s about intolerance, some people are using a term in the intended non-slur manner, and others are intolerant about that rational desire. Even tolerant people shouldn’t torerate intolerance, so no, being pissed about people telling them to stop using the term in the intended non-slur way is not toxic.

    If that really hurts you, it’s a you thing. It’s not intentional, the meaning isn’t derived from the slur, it’s not a micro aggression. You won’t like the answer, but toughen up.

  • Because that’s like saying that “negro” is a slur when it’s being used in a Spanish textbook. No it’s a fucking color. Context is important and rewriting other languages because it seems hurtful in yours is super toxic.

    Master means supreme, master piece, the supreme piece, master ball, supreme ball, master key, the supreme key. It was used in slavery because the master was the supreme entity for the slaves, in a bad way. One specific use of a word doesn’t and shouldn’t cover the inherent meaning of it and as a consequence all of its uses.

    Tbh, I don’t care which name is used for the supreme branch, be it main or master because my team usually renames them to prod/uat/dev and branches as feature_etc, but saying that others are using racial slurs because they are using the old default that makes perfect sense is toxic.

  • oh, yeah I’ve read and heard of plenty people saying that they definitely notice it. I’m lucky enough not to because most ARPGs don’t run 60FPS on intense combat, let alone 120 fps on a rtx3080 lmao.

    I was talking more about the jump from 240 and beyond, which I find surprising for people to notice the upgrade on intense gaming encounters, not while calmly checking or testing. I guess that there’s people who do notice, but again, running games on such high tick rate is very expensive for the gpu and a waste most of the time.

    I’m just kinda butthurt that people feel like screens below 120 are bad, when most games I play hardly run 60 fps smooth, because the market will follow and in some years we will hardly have what I consider normal monitors, and the cards will just eat way more electricity for very small gains.

  • Oh I just installed lightdm in arch, disabled whatever I had, enables that service and activated the autologin by writing my username in some files I don’t remember anymore. And that was it.

    Due to some hardware issues I had I even had no service enabled and used to start it manually from a non GUI environment every time I logged on, and it worked fine. Now it’s properly enabled though.

  • on a similar topic, I recently upgraded my screen from two 24’’ 1080x60 to 24’’ 1080x144 & 27’’ 1080x120. I barely tell the difference but my card sure does, I quickly limited the refresh rate of both to 60 because I it’s pointless and I’ve read too many people saying that once you go 120+ it feels bad watching 60, and I really don’t want to get used to something that just makes me spend more electricity for nothing.

    If you enjoy stuff fine in FullHD, don’t bother increasing the resolution. As others have explained, there are other things to upgrade before going for resolution that will have a bigger impact on the image. That said, purchasing a good screen that happens to have 2K or anything higher than 1080 is no big deal, just set your resolution to whatever you want from software and be done with it.

  • But… PAKE is used as a method for ongoing exchange of messages, you wouldnt avoid using a password when authenticating, which is the whole point of this debacle.

    In really don’t see it that complex, in my last job IT installed a passkey in my laptop, which then Microsoft used to login and thorough its SSO, I just stopped using passwords altogether after logging into my PC itself. This is way more secure for the average Joe than having 5 postists with passwords pasted in the sides of the monitors. Yes this is way more common then you think, there’s a reason passwords need to be rotated all the freaking time.

    Once rolled out, workers didn’t have to do anything to authenticate, as long as they were using the work laptop the company assumed that the used was the one using it, since the laptop was registered to the user, and it was way more comfortable.

    It’s not really that hard to explain to people. Sending passwords is insecure because if an attacker gets the password, you lost. With passkeys, once you set it up, google/microsoft/pepapig.com will send a request to authenticate to your phone, where you will just say “yes” and they will talk with each other to give you access. If an attacker gets hold of that message, it doesn’t get anything of value because each time pepwpig.com and your phone talk with each other, they say different stuff and the attacker would just have yesterday’s responses, so they lose.

    Old people won’t adopt it unless forced, just like they adopted special passwords by adding 1 and * to whatever stupid word they use and writing it next to their work monitor, in the office. They just won’t. Either IT automates everything for them or anything we develop will get completely bypassed.