This is a genuine question, so please don’t do me like Vlad the Impaler. What is your opinion about the benefits of upgrading to displays beyond 1080p?

I have never watched a film or a video at 1080p and thought it needed to look better. When it comes to software, I feel like I would want a proportionally larger monitor to keep the same DPI PPI, otherwise older software might be a pain to use, and that maintained software UI won’t necessarily benefit. However, that line of thinking is probably a niche concern of mine? I don’t play first person shooters, so maybe that’s another thing I don’t get. I have read some people saying that text looks better, which I could buy I suppose?

I wouldn’t say the same for 800x600, but maybe if I were a boomer I would have made that post, too. Is this something I would get over if I start using a modern display?

e: thanks to everyone for great responses! Based on the popular sentiment, I’m thinking I would take to 1440p just fine, presuming I get a screen ratio, DPI PPI, and screen size that suit my preferences. I am really relieved that I’m not super weird for being completely fine with my ancient monitors. :)

  • Fushuan [he/him]
    2 months ago

    on a similar topic, I recently upgraded my screen from two 24’’ 1080x60 to 24’’ 1080x144 & 27’’ 1080x120. I barely tell the difference but my card sure does, I quickly limited the refresh rate of both to 60 because I it’s pointless and I’ve read too many people saying that once you go 120+ it feels bad watching 60, and I really don’t want to get used to something that just makes me spend more electricity for nothing.

    If you enjoy stuff fine in FullHD, don’t bother increasing the resolution. As others have explained, there are other things to upgrade before going for resolution that will have a bigger impact on the image. That said, purchasing a good screen that happens to have 2K or anything higher than 1080 is no big deal, just set your resolution to whatever you want from software and be done with it.

      2 months ago

      That said, purchasing a good screen that happens to have 2K or anything higher than 1080 is no big deal, just set your resolution to whatever you want from software and be done with it.

      That’s awful advise, a 1440p monitor running at 1080p will look like a blurry mess