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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • That’s fair. I didn’t mean to imply anything about the drug use.

    The way OP views the world reminds me of how I see things when I am experiencing certain depression symptoms. I tend to filter my view of the world so that only the negative things are true, and it makes it harder to do anything positive in my life.

    When my symptoms let up, either through treatment or sometimes on their own, I can still see the negatives but they’re there with a lot of positives, too.

    If OP does have depression, it’s possible that treating it in a more effective way would be the answer to their question.

  • For me the important difference between the two isn’t just a zoning problem, it’s a people problem.

    Small towns, like the one I grew up in, even ones that are comparatively progressive, are still a nightmare for anyone who doesn’t fit in with the community norm.

    Big cities let people find their community because therefore a lot of different ones to try.

    This doesn’t go away with different planning or by fucking cars or whatever the kids are into these days.

  • When I was 16 I looked a bit older, so people would often assume I was over 18.

    I was in Boston one day wandering around and I was approached by someone who wanted to give me a free personality test or something. He was handsome and I was a young gay boy so I figured why not?

    It ended up being a scientology recruitment. They freaked and stopped trying to hard sell me their book when I told them I was 16. And their recruitment video had me laughing like crazy as I walked out.

    I didn’t know how crazy of a cult they are at the time. But it was a funny experience.