German ministers: “First time?”
Stranded in Davos, Switzerland. What a hellish nightmare. I’m praying for Secretary Blinken’s safe and timely return. Give 'em hell, Tony!
“Bring him home”
More good news for Boeing.
Boeing really seems like they have their shit together.
Unfortunately they put their shit together in the shape of an airframe.
Something tells me Boeing isn’t getting that exception they asked for.
Stranded, but with a personal jet coming to pick him up. How terrible, hope he finds a way to get back.
Can’t have Blinken stranded in the land of the Swiss shudder
Don’t you know Switzerland is basically a Chinese pawn now?
wow, Boeing is really having a terrible month.
good. they really have it coming.
Lmao Boeing is in some deep(er) shit now
Planes require lots of maintenance not sure why everyone is saying Boeing is the cause of this one. How old is the modified aircraft? If it’s a few months off the assembly line and it’s having maintenance issue that is grounding the aircraft then yea give Boeing some shit but airlines/operators have to take planes out of service all the time for maintenance, shoot even the military does it.
I worked in Aerospace for a few years and the company I worked for did a lot of work for Boeing, mostly on the Apache program, Boeing definitely has its issues but maintenance issues are not a Boeing only issue.