Bonus points if it has a good story. Also, I’m not going to play DRM-controlled games
Left 4 Dead 2!
Halo is the all time best co-op shooter hands down. The lore is surprisingly deep and the story telling is top notch.
Of course I am referring to 1, 2, 3, odst, and reach.
3 and on support 4 player co-op. All are in the master chief collection. Added bonus that odst is like an unofficial firefly reunion
Fyi, afaik Halo MCC supports 2 player coop on Halo: CE, and 4 player coop on the other games. That said, they removed split-screen on the PC version. Supposedly they keep saying they’ll add it back eventually but, well, “eventually” has yet to happen.
That said, I’ve read there’s a mod for native split screen now so you don’t have to do the awkward Nucleus Coop stuff. I haven’t tried it though, so ymmv.
Thanks for this. Removing the split screen from the PC version was one of the worst decisions I’ve seen for a game remake.
I can’t wait for MCC to come to PS5.
Halo 1 is so amazing and the music is the best
I wish it had split screen co-op without a bunch of nonsense
There’s a mod for that now, so you don’t have to do the Nucleus Coop bullshit. I haven’t tried it, so I dunno how well it works, but ye.
Oh snap! Thanks!
Rock and stone!
(Deep Rock galactic) The most fun coop fps in my opinion
I have mixed feelings about Doom 1993 and Doom 2. Used to play that with my brother, which was great. But eventually he’d start killing me instead of demons until I cried, which was bad.
Still great games.
I’ve got those and Quake 2 on PS5. Doom plays way better on controller imo but both feel weird
I desperately want Quake 3 Arena again
Note: unfortunately these are all on PC and don’t have couch coop unless specified otherwise. I also don’t think they have DRM aside from normal steam stuff (or require an internet connection for actual gameplay purposes), but any steam DRM should be easy to remove.
Warframe: space ninjas: the game (though it does require an online connection since it’s basically a coop mmo, and it is third-person as opposed to first-person)
Payday: basically cops vs robbers. You’re the robbers.
Killing Floor: Lodesemone! Dosh! Grab it while you can, lads! Money, money, money! Coop zombie survival. I hope you love blood and gore.
Abiotic Factor: what if you were a scientist in the
Black MesaGATE Cascade Research Facility and you had to survive? Can be played single player or multiplayer.Halo: MCC: Halo already has a reputation for being the ultimate coop shooter. The MCC adds and expands coop for the games; however the PC version lacks split-screen. This can supposedly be added back with a mod, but I haven’t tried it so I can’t attest to how functional it is.
I’ve heard Sven Coop is really good if you like Half-Life stuff. It’s a coop Half-Life mod.
Risk of Rain 2: technically third-person, but a very good coop shooter.
Third person, not first: It Takes Two is adorable. The developers, Hazelight Studios, also made A Way Out. They specialise in co-op and they’re working on a new game, Split Fiction. It Takes Two, as of May 29th, is DRM-free on Steam and Steam Deck, and hopefully the new one will follow
Split Fiction came out a few days ago and is excellent. My wife and I are a good way into it already and are enjoying it every bit as much as we enjoyed It Takes Two.
I know you said first person and I’m gonna mention a third person one that’s fun, so I’m sorry if first person was truly a necessary piece of this for some reason…
Warhammer 40k Space Marines 2 came out pretty recently and it kinda feels like it’s 80-20 Gears Of War and Doom. You can play co-op for both the main campaign and a separate side mission kind of thing, and the side thing is highly replayable because you level shit up as you go and then you can play on higher difficulties to get more loot. But they can spoil the story if you do a bunch of the missions ahead of the story chapters since you’re kinda playing out the B squad adventures concurrently with the A squad missions. There’s also a pvp mode, and a horde mode is coming too.
It’s far from perfect. Load times are very long. The lore is tedious if you don’t care, but it’s honestly so fun that I don’t care that I don’t care about the lore. The devs are very much actively working on the game, bringing frequent updates and fixes, plus just straight up rolling out free additional content when ready. And there is crossplay if one of you is on console and the other is PC or something.
The party is 3 player, but if you just want 1 on 1 time with your friend, you can set your party to private and have a bot play your 3rd and he will heal you when you go down and help with the fight somewhat. This is especially nice while you’re learning the game.
If your into realistic FPS games then you want to go with bodycam, 6 days or if you want a solid mix between realistic and not so realistic then Insurgency Sandstorm is good.
But if you want good lore then start with doom and work your way up the series.
Disclaimer, idk about DRM in any of these games, I’ve never bothered to check.
Borderlands 2, obviously. Yeah, it’s old, but it holds up great. I’m currently playing through it with my gf, and she’s enjoying it.
Deep Rock Galactic. It’s great fun, ranging from totally chill but squishing game to adrenaline pumping anxiety inducing horde survival. No real “story,” but a solid piece of worldbuilding with a great universe.
Payday 2 was so good it killed Payday 3. Surprisingly enough, there is a story here, and it’s weird. Lmao
Roboquest, if you only have one friend. An absolute banger of a rougelite shooter. Tons of depth, charming art style, great gunplay.
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
Killing Floor
Deep Rock Galactic
The L4D games are immediately what I thought of. Two of the greats, regardless of genre
Back 4 Blood is pretty great too
Never played it tbh
The best co-op shooter FPS I know of is FEAR 3. The story is pretty bad. There’s these two guys, one is named Pointman and he’s from COD and the other is named Noodles and he’s from Second Sight on PS2. They are scared of their mom, Alman, so they have to break out of jail and find the scientist who held them all hostage. Now that sounds pretty easy, but for some reason The Military and the Demogorgon are really mad at you, and they chase you all 14 blocks through the grocery store and the suburbs to the airport. Its absolutely a blast and both guys have a different move set, as weird as that sounds for co-op FPS.
third person but I’d strongly recommend warframe
Ready or Not is pretty cool, it’s basically a SWAT simulator. More lore than story though. Don’t know about DRM.
You can play in first or third if you want, hell divers 2 is pretty awesome.
Borderlands 2, including all the dlc. Such a great game. Bonus points if you have played borderlands 1, but its not essential.
Borderlands 3 has excellent gameplay but the writing is far, far worse than borderlands 2. They somewhat lost the anti-corpo anti-cap vibes that the series was built on. You can pretty frequently pick up the entire series with all dlc for like… £30 or something with the Pandoras Box bundle.
I had a bunch of fun with Destiny 2 but I can’t recommend it in good conscience because of the state of the management of the game.