Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Probably like, 95% of the people in my city are either neutral or supportive of LGBT people. The last 5% are so fucking insane that it’s still scary to be LGBT. - (major Texas city)

    Edit: I kinda assume this is unique because I’d think most places are either safe (with the occasional heckler) or completely unsafe. Texas seems special because it seems like most people don’t care or are supportive, but then you get the nutjob who’s entire reality is shattered by the idea that you aren’t straight and/or cisgendered and all they can do is get apocalyptically mad about your existence.

    Edit 2: oh yeah, on a less depressing note, iirc Texas is like, sorta kinda half canyon. Iirc Palo Duro canyon doesn’t really have an end to it, it just kinda… widens until it becomes part of the normal landscape (I might be thinking of a different canyon though). As such, you could basically consider anything downstream from the canyon as being inside the canyon, resulting in a huge chunk of Texas existing in a canyon!

  • I think you’re misunderstanding what feminists mean when they say, “all men can be rapists”. It’s alright, I used to be in your shoes too, sometimes people are just bad at explaining themselves, so lemme try and explain my understanding of the statement.

    They’re not saying that men are rapists, what they’re trying to say is that men have been trained to pursue relationships in a way that can be coercive and can lead to rape without the man realizing he’s doing anything wrong (I’ll go into how a man could “”“accidentally”“” rape someone near the end).

    A good example of this is “Baby, it’s cold outside”. The song is about a man trying to convince a women to stay the night with him. The song takes the form of the woman finding reasons to leave, while the man finds reasons for her to stay. This was because, at the time, it was considered improper for a single lady to stay the night with a gentleman who’s also single; they might get up to something, the horror!

    Now, the song portrays this coersion as being possibly consensual; that, in the context of the song, the woman might want to stay, but feels compelled to go through the list of reasons she should leave so it isn’t “improper”. However, if you’re engaging in roleplay like that, you need to set clear boundaries before you do, otherwise you risk someone getting hurt. Furthermore, standards have changed. It’s no longer improper (in most places) for a woman to spend the night at a man’s house, nor is it acceptable to try and convince a woman (or anyone for that matter) to sleep with you if they’ve said “no”. Again, it is coercive, and you cannot derive consent from coersion unless it was clearly defined beforehand as part of role-play (consent can also be revoked, if someone tells you “stop”, you stop).

    Despite that, cultural momentum means that many young men are still taught that if a woman says “no”, that just means you need to give her a better excuse to say “yes” (“she’s just playing ‘hard-to-get’”).

    You might be able to see how this is a bad thing, yes?

    That is what I believe they’re referring to. It’s not that they think every man is a rapist just waiting to strike, it’s that most men have been trained to “just try harder” if their lady friend says “no”.

    Edit: if I’m wrong, feel free to correct me.

  • You’re probably gonna have to be more specific.

    Radical feminist can refer to:

    A hardcore feminist who goes to every rally and protest, donates money to things like planned parenthood and so on. - probably a cool person, but might have their head up their ass. However, their heart is probably in the right place regardless of their personality.

    A misandrist. Fake feminist who hates men and believes men are the source of the world’s problems. - almost certainly an asshole and should be avoided.

    A terf, aka “trans-exclusionary radical feminist”. Also a fake feminist. They don’t believe trans women are women and seek to exclude them. - asshole, avoid at all costs; tend to call themselves “gender critical” because the real feminists got tired of their bullshit and started kicking them out.

  • Some livestreamers (even big ones) are legitimately fun to watch, but I agree that there are a lot of livestreamers that just do “reaction content” which, while it can be fun (in the same way as Rifftrax/MST3K), isn’t something most streamers put enough effort into to be considered good. Instead it ends up being a low-effort way of generating views.

    If you want some good streamers, some of the big streamers I like are people like,

    • Vinesauce Vinny: Unhinged but chill New York Italian streamer who likes corrupting games (fucking with the ROM/RAM while the game is running) and laughing at unhinged 80’s and 90’s video game commercials; in a band with Jabroni Mike and he’s also known as “binyot”.
    • Jabroni Mike: Unhinged and not chill New York Italian streamer who loves dredging up YouTube content slop to laugh at; in a band with Vinny and he’s also known as “Cumchugger”.
    • Vargskelethor: Absolutely unhinged swedish metalhead who lives in a public toilet where he points and laughs at people while they take a shit (very childish sense of humor, but a lot of fun to watch because you never know what to expect); in a metal band called Scythelord along with a self-titled solo project. Also known as Joel, Yo-ell, Jobel,, etc.
    • Jerma985: a fucking psycho in semi-retirement; best known for his irl streams like the Dollhouse (IRL Sims with chat controlling Jerma), baseball stream (shoved an entire baseball up his ass, live on twitch put together two fictional baseball teams for a livestreamed baseball game), carnival stream (he had chat-controlled robots to let chat play the games), archeology geology stream, Who Will Replace Me?, and so on.
    • Laimu/Limealicious: vtuber affiliated with Vinesauce, “”“wholesome”“” streamer.
    • Fredrik Knudsen: Yes, the “Down the Rabbit Hole guy” also has a twitch channel.
    • WhiskeyDing0: another vtuber, this time furry as fuck, but he plays a lot of indie horror games and sometimes organizes VRChat game shows with other furry streamers; also probably the biggest furry streamer right now. Great way to find new indie horror games.
    • Jall: furry “fleshtuber” with an absolutely insane setup designed to try and recreate the feeling of watching a YouTube poop, except it’s live. Warning: consume in small doses; his streams are a sensory overload like nothing else.

    Even if it’s not your thing, I’d highly recommend looking up the stream vods for Jerma’s IRL stuff, it’s brilliant and extremely high-effort.

    Edit: I was just trying to make some suggestions, jeez.

  • Extroverts don’t seem to understand that not showing interest in their sexual lives doesn’t mean disrespect, but simply that I don’t care about it.

    I was on the fence until this. This is extremely unprofessional and, if I understand correctly, could even get the company sued. Here’s how I’d personally handle it; but take this with a grain of salt because I’ve never actually had to deal with something like this before:

    First, talk to a lawyer. Tell them what’s going on an get their thoughts and suggestions. The suggestions following may be way off-base.

    Then, start keeping track of every time she brings something like that up, and log how you responded, how it made you feel, how she reacted to you response. You’re collecting evidence for a lawsuit on the basis of a toxic and highly unprofessional work environment that’ll hopefully never actually happen.

    Once you have enough info that you could potentially launch said lawsuit, double-check with your lawyer and then you go to HR.


    Make sure you log your interaction with HR as well; what you discussed, if you felt your concerns were heard during the meeting, and then make a follow-up log a week or two later to note if there was any change as a result of your meeting.

    If there was no change, talk to your lawyer and consider trying again (and log everything again), and again, do not threaten, mention or even hint at any kind of legal action whatsoever. You’re trying to give the company ample chance to respond to your concerns.

    If there was still no change, go talk to your lawyer about the possibility of pursuing legal action. It could be legitimately worth it, especially if they decide to fire you after your first or second meeting with HR.

    Your goal is to have a paper trail so long and thorough that you can hang them with it (figuratively, in court) if necessary.

  • Fyi, from what I’ve read anarchists reject the cookbook and interpret it as being pro-government while also having inaccurate and dangerous recipes. There are better resources for the latter (including official military handbooks), while the former encourages people to roll over and take whatever abuse they’re handed.

    When it comes to punching Nazis, would I actually do it IRL? I’m not sure. It’d probably depend on whether I’m in a “fuck it, we ball” kinda mood or not. If I am, then I’m absolutely going to try and wreck the Nazi to the best of my ability. They might not get back up. If not, then I’d probably just roll my eyes, lose a little more faith in humanity, and keep going.

    What you need to realize is that the Nazi would absolutely do the same to you, possibly worse, if given the chance; and people are too busy to research every single person they come across and are too desensitized to respond to “he’s literally a Nazi” (America’s right wing did a great job of painting “Nazi” as being meaningless in a modern context). That makes it very easy for them to lie to the general population about their goals.

    Look at how far Trump and Vance have gotten. They literally support Nazis and Klansmen (Ku Klux Klan), yet people seemed to actually believe that Biden was as bad as Trump. It wasn’t until Trump started talking about Hatians eating pets at a national debate that people stopped and were like, “damn, what the fuck?”

    What if he hadn’t though? What if he’d managed to keep his cool and pretend to be normal? The thing that scares me is that I think he might still have a chance, simply because I think the recent debate may have inspired false confidence in Democrats.

    Nazis, Klansmen, bigoted institutions in general, will take a mile if you give them an inch, and proceed to wrap it around your neck and hang you from a tree with it; and they’re very good at getting what they want because they’ll literally eat shit if they believe it’ll help them win. They believe utopia is achieved through oppression and mass murder; wouldn’t you do anything you can to achieve utopia if you think it’s in arms reach, especially when the path is obvious thanks to the efforts of prior fascists?

    That’s why you punch Nazis. That’s why people say that the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. A Nazi’s idea of utopia is forged with blood and torment; and they’re willing to do anything to make it a reality.

  • Correct. I’m not all that invested in social media tbh. If all generalized social media went down (like Twitter, Lemmy, Reddit, Tumblr, but not discord, matrix, mumble, specialty media like enthusiast forums, etc), then it’d take some time for me to find a new place to get news and memes, but that’s primarily what I use social media for. News, memes, and occasionally venting into the comment section.

  • If you’re gonna charge for social media, you have to have a pretty good incentive for people to join. Social media is expected to be free. Now, if you had a larger network that didn’t just serve social media, but a wide variety of things like cloud storage, webhosting, game server hosting, etc in a walled garden that was designed to allow users to do mostly whatever they want while keeping bots out, now that I might be willing to pay for.