• 9 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023


  • I don’t really like how HRW does their reporting tbh. It basically consists of “here’s some random Chinese article that suggests something that they might do, which, because China is a single-party state, MUST describe what they do” coupled with “here are some sources from US-funded parties detailing what they claim to be happening in China.”

    It’s not a question of whether their statements are accurate, but it’s a question of whether they’ve provided enough evidence to make those statements.

  • Statement by Hamas’ Izzat Al-Rishq;

    "Regarding what the spokesman for the terrorist enemy army said about the arrival of prisoners of the occupation to Al-Shifa Hospital, we said early on that the resistance transferred many prisoners of the occupation to hospitals to receive treatment and undergo surgical operations, especially after some of them were injured as a result of the occupation’s aircraft bombing them.

    We risked our fighters to guarantee the injured prisoners the best treatment. Possible in hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

    We have published many pictures about this; Now their army spokesman presents it as if they have discovered something great.

    What the spokesman for the occupation army says completely condemns them. These are points that are recorded for us and not for us.

    Taking care of the prisoners, treating them, and giving them possible medical care is a point for us and not for us."

  • Objectively, they didn’t do good journalism and cite primary sources.

    Primary sources were the interview with Yasmin Porat on Haboker Hazeh (which was censored by Israel) and the interview conducted with IDF helicopter pilots on, I think, Haaretz. Everything else is commentary on the same evidence.

    The fact that the Tampa Bay Times failed to cite those two primary sources really calls into question their legitimacy as an institution for journalism. It’s basic journalistic etiquette to cite primary sources where possible.

  • Wait, I’m confused. So the history of the Ryukyu Islands is that they were claimed by China until the First Sino-Japanese War, at which point they fell to the Japanese. Then, after WW2, the US takes over jurisdiction of the islands as war reparations under the Treaty of San Francisco (which China, naturally, wasn’t invited to and received basically nothing from).

    So, today, the Americans have a bunch of military bases there, China claims a few small islands there, Japan claims the entire chain, and the people of the island themselves want independence.

    Fuck, eh?