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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Yeah that’s correct. It’s pretty wild that things work this way. Most people think that we still have fractional reserve banking, which is where the bank has $1 in reserve and they lend it to many borrowers simultaneously. With no reserve requirement they can essentially loan money that doesn’t exist. Banks want to avoid succumbing to a bank run where too many clients make withdrawals at the same time. But essentially they operate like a retail business that determines how many products to keep on hand in order to meet demand on any given day. Bank loans create both a credit (to the borrowers account) and a debit in the bank’s main ledger, the debit is a liability as we discussed, the bank must be prepared to pay.

    Banks are limited by their ability to find qualified borrowers who will repay their loans.

  • The article says the Trump administration considered killing Assange but gave up the idea. The article says that the new plan is to kill him by putting him in prison for the rest of his life. This isn’t killing someone though. Language is meant to convey meaning, this is just word play.

    Also, I don’t really feel empathetic towards Assange, he acted as a Russian mouthpiece with his show on RT and his interference in the 2016 US presidential election. From WaPo: “Assange is a foreign national who reportedly collaborated with Russian intelligence to derail Clinton’s candidacy. As unredacted portions of the Mueller report show, during the 2016 presidential election campaign, WikiLeaks communicated both with Trump advisers and with Russian-intelligence (GRU) front organizations, DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0. WikiLeaks subsequently sought to cover up its connections with the GRU.”

  • Yeah there’s no law preventing it but you wouldn’t have the ability to write a check or to send money by Zelle, as an example. You would need someone outside the jail to make those payments on your behalf.

    Edit: I wonder why people are downvoting me. When someone is arrested and put in jail they just can’t do normal things. Maybe some people eventually get computer access in prison but realistically you couldn’t depend on it

  • I don’t understand how Israel can create this humanitarian crisis and then prevent aid from helping. I just went to Oxfam’s website to see what they are doing and where donations are going and they’ve only been able to provide about 6,000 food parcels because Israel won’t allow aid workers to have access. As human beings we have a moral obligation to save humans from dying needlessly but Israel is doing this on purpose. They don’t deserve this, it doesn’t make sense.