• 36 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020


  • wiki_me@lemmy.mltoOpen Source@lemmy.mlBigfive Personality Test
    14 days ago

    It’s pretty good for self improvement. I scored kinda high on neuroticism but after learning some psychology stuff like mindfulness/meditation/neuroplasticity/stoicism/ACT i managed to reduce it significantly after about 2.5 years. there was even a study recently that showed how using a app to change your personality and it’s not easy and require serious training like learning a language or a musical instrument. I hope we will get eventually some open source version of that app.

    and of course you need to be open to it, humans have a documented bias toward not believing what might hurt there self esteem.

  • Simply because good encryption tends to be slow, making the app unproductive imo.

    gocryptfs is very fast for me. i have a file with about 5600 lines and i detect no difference when opening it under encryption and not under encryption. but in gocryptfs each file is encrypted separately . so you could get some information about the directory structure. but the name of the files and folders is encrypted (“archive” for example turns into something like “AaL6P86WWMnqQkMYnsRBXg”).

  • seems fairly simple , some form of XML? that gives you a schema that can be used to check the file and a rich software ecosystem of writers and parsers. Speaking of consensus based standards its also a standard way to store data.

    I would not worry too much about encryption, i use gocryptfs which gives me a encrypted folder where i store my notes in org-mode (there is also gui software for this). the encrypted notes could be some encrypted folder and some sort of standardized encryption (or maybe the encryption type specified in the metadata?)

  • the extension could cease to exist, but you can absolutely still access your notes with any text editor decades from now. I still don’t get where the “non-future proof” here. Can’t really be more future proof than a simple text file.

    Yeah but his kinda turns into a “programmers user interface” that will drastically reduce the usability. As time go by they could add more and more extensions that could make using it in a text editor harder to and harder (my cognitive bandwidth could be used for better things then monitoring that situation).

    Arguably, open document format, although standardized, are harder to open and manage because it’s far more complex than a text file that ends with .md.

    It does a lot more then .md . The structure of incentives will make it usable for a very long time if not forever (there is a lot of content in it, and having it standardized means organisations are more likely to use it). it has also passed the test of time by existing for 19 years. foam is less then 4 years old as far as i can tell.

  • good is the enemy of excellent. X11 works for most users (almost all the users?) well. You can see that with the adoptions of other standards like the C++ standards and IPV6 which can feel like forever.

    Another thing I think one of the X11 maintainers mentioned iirc is that they have been fairly gentle with deprecation. some commercial company could have deprecated X11 and left you with a wayland session that is inferior in some ways.

  • The score seems very similar to that of the US average life satisfaction score of 6.72. I assume the survey was done in the US.

    This seems like a classic case of Confounding . The happier scores seem to be from people that have more money (ios, macos ,pop os) , and people that have technical skills (slackware, gentoo , mobile linux) which are probably more educated and earn more money which iirc according to research correlates with being more happy. Arch users might have higher screen time which might cause lower levels of happiness. slackware might have older users which iirc according to research are happier.

    Of course this is not a scientific study , it hasn’t been peer reviewed and this could all be statistical noise.

    I think the best way to make linux users happier is have by default in the distro a course on being happier, i can’t find the link but iirc the course on coursera increased the score by 1 point (so probably somewhere around from 6.7/10 to 7.7/10), I spent a while learning about this stuff and experienced a similar jump (Although i don’t know if i will keep it if there will be some strong negative event).

  • it’s not that transparent , for example if i am considering funding signal , i can look at the 990 form , see the top salaries, the amount spent on salaries, the number of employees and calculate the average salary. I don’t mind it if the shareholders make a 10-20 percent return but i don’t want to to be a 90 percent return (which basically no public company has, from what i have seen in tech companies it is somewhere around 10-30 percent).