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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • here’s the thing though, you wouldn’t need to do that second part. You only need to know what the relative time for london is in the event that you fly over there, or something, and even then

    What? Sorry, I must be misunderstanding your viewpoint here. People interact all across the globe all of the time; it’s important to know what part of day it is in the different places for all of that. You want to call someone in Singapore? It doesn’t help to know their clock shows the same time as you, you need to know if it’s the middle of the night, or maybe it’s likely lunch time etc. That’s why you need to know the offset from “your” time.

    And you glossed over everything else… I’m not talking about movies for no reason. Movies tend to need to convey lots of information in a short amount of time so it’s a useful example of the differring amounts of information that can be communicated when we all share cultural understandings of things. If 3am means essentially the same thing everywhere that’s super useful in communicating all sorts of ideas.

  • Too bad movies never use shit like ambient moon lighting, or darkness

    Probably because people’s beds tend to be inside… Plus darkness can mean morning or evening or middle of the night or something else (imagine the person notices it’s dark, looks at the clock and it shows 1pm. We know something’s off because we all experience 1pm as early afternoon).

    The point isn’t that timezones are only good for movies, the point was that they help convey that cultural understanding very effectively across the world. Having a common understanding of what certain numbers on a clock mean and have that be universal can help convey quite a bit of information. 11am means “late morning” in a specific way that you could probably spend a paragraph describing.

    Sure, without timezones I’d know what their clock says in London without having to use Google, but I’d still have to Google what time of day it is there and apply an offset to understand exactly what part of the day it is (which is what timezones do already). It’s no easier, plus we lose the ability to culturally share the same reference points.

  • Man, the places I could hike without having to carry a pack! Wouldn’t need to plan for resupply or anything. Would have communication access from anywhere in the world.

    You could use it as a kickass home gym where you can dial up or down gravity depending on what you’re doing.

    Smuggling would be a whole lot easier if you went that route. Transporting all sorts of things really; you only need to get yourself to the new location.

    Could do some very amazing magic tricks since you can disappear (and swap props or outfits or whatever).

    With gravity turned down you could presumably build up some momentum and launch yourself places. Not sure how you’d stick the landing unless you can control which way is “up” as you teleport to the room.

    Edit: Just realised this idea is kinda similar to an ability from HunterxHunter