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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • Well I have to concede that I was very narrow and harsh in my statement that all people are monsters, bar none. I agree with the idea that good and evil are not objective and are mostly subjective. We use our labels to say, “I’m with the GOOD group, the salvageable and honorable ones” and to segregate ourselves from others we deem unworthy. We’re very tribal that way.

    Sadly many of the trump supporters DO have zero regret and inability or unwillingness to see why what they did was so monumentally horrific. Animals do sometimes kill for “fun,” if you can see it as that - I’ve seen footage of chimps torturing and killing their own kind just to pass the time. Somehow it still makes me recoil and see such acts as horrific.

    And like you I have Republican acquaintances who find what happened on Jan 6th utterly repugnant, so yes I do agree such people exist. I have mostly distanced myself from these people, because I find I’m afraid to even be around republican-affiliated people anymore.

    I’m just putting my ideas out there - not trying to argue for against humanity’s capacity for goodness. At the end of Camelot King Arthur says, “some of the drops do sparkle.” Not many, but some. We can only hope the ones that sparkle are powerful enough to outshine the waves of those who would drown us all in violence, crime, and stupidity.

    I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.

  • I’ve yet to see the big wigs even do 3 hours of actual work during a work day, let alone the kind of physical labor that factory floor workers have to perform all day long. In the last company I worked for (and I’m now retired) there were 34 managers on my floor, and 3 of us doing sales, customer service, repair, delivery, and distribution for the company. The managers mostly spent time on Amazon, but often had meetings to decide what they could do to prompt us to work harder with more duties.

  • No not all, but people who study violence (such as the council on criminal justice) have found that more and more humans lack the (previously thought to be innate) traits of empathy and kindness. We live in a world where shooting people in video games is perfectly OK and causing death is entertainment.

    I play God of War (and House of the Dead) so I can’t say that I’m above any of that. Only that I see how it dissuades people from being able to care very much and even enables some people to murder others for fun. For every mass shooter who plays violent video games, there’s 10 million more playing those same games that aren’t mass murderers.

    But, and this is the big BUT, violent media (even if it is big business) does inure people to feelings of empathy and compassion, it accustoms people to seeing acts of violence, and it even makes it seem like nothing but a game. These are just my thoughts - not moral judgments about what others do with their free time.