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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Personally, I always regarded UUID as one of those overcomplicated and frankly unneded “enterprisey” standards (similar to SOAP and XSD, XSLT and various other XML techonologies). After reading this article my opinion didn’t change.

    Also… do they even know what “version” means? That they choose that word over “type” or any other alternative says it all.

    UUID Version 7 (v7) is generated from a timestamp and random data.

    Use v7 if you’re using the ID in a context where you want to be able to sort. For example, consider using v7 if you are using UUIDs as database keys.

    Please, do NOT rely on that and just add to your tables a field with the actual timestamp.

  • I last used it a good while ago (like, 10yrs?), so you’ll have to verify how what I am about to say applies to current versions (it probably does).

    Jasper is an old-school, enterprisey tool similar to Crystal Reports that attempts to give you a WYSIWYG editor for building your reports.

    All in all, I’d say that it might be good if you have a reporting department full of people that only do reports and you don’t want to train as programmers. If the ones doing the reports are gonna be actual programmers, they’ll be much better off generating html/latex/whatever and converting that to pdf.