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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • takeheart@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlMusic Players
    2 months ago

    I much like Quod Libet. It has a clean, functional interface to manage your local music collection. Also support for Plugins is nice.

    You can create Boolean Logic filters like (played < 10 times AND genre = classical AND composer = Mozart) which I appreciate. And some of the included tools like being able to automatically create meta data tags from file names (for instance <artist> - <album> - <track>.mp3).

    It’s the best replacement for Music Bee (Windows only) that I’ve come across.

  • The official term for this is COPS (cost per service) and it helps you greatly in making smart economic decisions. I calculated this for many household products about a decade ago and came to the conclusion that for many products it’s barely worth worrying about the cost while for others there’s hidden cost that should really warrant closer inspection. For instance dish soap has such low COPS that it almost doesn’t matter which brand you buy. Electric gadgets like fridges, washing machines or printers definitely warrant deliberation though because in the long run energy, refill, maintenance and repair costs will approach if not outstrip the initial purchase cost.

    And yeah, spending a big chunk on a good bed or chair hurts initially but you will spend literally thousands of hours in them. Something like a greeting card or fireworks on the other hand are cheaper in the moment but only yield limited utility in comparison.

  • So I wanted to give Klevernotes a try tonight but:

    1. it doesn’t show up in Discover when searching for any of the terms Klevernotes, Klever Notes, or just klever. On the command line apt search klevernotes returns an empty result set.
    2. the install on Linux link on https://apps.kde.org/klevernotes/ doesn’t work either. It opens Discover but yields the error message Could not open appstream://org.kde.klevernotes because it was not found in any available software repositories. Please report this issue to the packagers of your distribution.
    3. I tried building it myself via the instructions on the GitHub repo but got stuck among the way. Building binaries is a bit beyond my expertise unfortunately.

    I’m on Kubuntu 22.04 with KDE Plasma 5.24.7 in case that matters. Can also file an official bug report as the error message suggests if you advocate for it.

  • Works as intended for me between my android phone and Kububtu PC however I deliberately turned it off for security reasons.

    ¿Why? Whenever I copy a password from my password manager on the PC it is shared to the Android phone and stored on the clip board there in plain unecrypted form. Since I also use a clip board manager app which remembers anything that is copied for later retrieval this means that if I were to lose my phone it would yield the finder with a long list of logins and passwords that I use.

    I could of course manually delete each password from the smart phone after logging in but it’s way too much of a hassle and I’m prone to simply forgetting it.

    By default KDE connect should simply not transfer copies made from password managers. It bypasses the whole security feature that password managers have which automatically clears the clipboard a short time after copying any password. Last I checked there were feature requests // bug reports on github arounc issue. But I’m not tech savvy enough to know whether there is a programmatic way to detect what kind of app the copy is originating from or whether we are stuck with the current way by design constraint.