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  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • Doesn’t it steal control flow? More like a break point, except you define where execution continues.

    I wonder if it’s a compile error to have multiple conflicting COMEFROM statements, or if it’s random, kind of like Go’s select statement.

    How awesome would it be to be able to steal the execution stack from arbitrary code; how much more awesome if it was indeterminate which of multiple conflicting COMEFROM frames received control! And if it included a state closure from the stolen frame?

    Now I want this.

  • Thanks! Downvotes don’t bother me. I was a big KDE fan, a couple of decades ago, and plasma has been exciting to watch; I was just saying that I wish it’d been as far along when I was still interested in DEs.

    There are tiling communities, so I don’t feel a deep need to expound on this; it came across my feed only because I browse World occasionally, - in the name of Eris - and I still get curious almost every announcement. And, every time I try it, it looks very pretty, but I find it counter-productive and fussy, and I end up back in herbstluftwm.

    You are absolutely right about the script-ability strength of Linux, and I think KDE of pretty scritpt-able, too. It’s just not a core value, like it is in bspwm or herbstluftwm, and that makes all the difference.

    Anyhoo, cheers and have a great day!

  • Maybe because not every system is Debian, and Plasma has to work on systems that either don’t have /usr/share/i18n/supported or put is somewhere else?

    I manage a project that encounters this sort of thing regularly; my biggest problem is terminfo entries. Not all distributions contain all of the same terminfos. It is one of the biggest source of bug reports my project gets. I’ve been considering just embedding all of the terminfos in my project, just so I know they’ll all be there on every system it’s installed.

    I don’t know this is Plasma’s reason for including their own list, but it could easily be. It could also be because those are the locales Plasma supports, and it may not support every locale that might be in the distro system list.

  • I’m not sure that you’re describing the same thing, but this very experience you’re having with Lua is what drove me away from Ruby, and ultimately from all non-statically compiled PLs.

    Instability in the VM, but more so in libraries, meant upgrades became projects to fix things that broke because libraries introduced regressions, API changes, and new bugs. For any non-trivial application, something would break. This was entirely unacceptable for services; entire suites would go down because of a regression in one popular library, and you get to find these things out at runtime.

    Eventually, I went back to entirely statically compiled languages - I’d encountered the same usage with bytecode VM languages like Java, to a lesser degree. But with PLs like Go, once I have a binary, it’ll work until someone breaks libc. Not impossible, but that happens years or decades apart, not monthly like it did with Ruby.

    Now I make do with zsh, or bash if I plan on sharing, with help from the usual ask/ser/grep crowd. If I start feeling cramped, I know my program is getting too big for scripting and switch to a reliable language. The short-term convenience is not worth the long term grief.

  • It’s taken me forever to reply because (a) I feel guilty about short replies to long messages, (b) I had to think about this a bit, and © I almost exclusively access Lemmy on my phone and I hate typing long messages on my phone. Not an excuse, just an explanation. There are no good Lemmy desktop clients, but I’ve finally logged in to my instance’s web interface to respond to this. 3 months later.

    So, yeah. I honestly didn’t pay much attention to whatever backstory the software authors were selling; I was looking for a feature set, and Session had it. I got some of my circle using it, and we eventually stopped because message delivery reliability was iffy, and there were enough of some UI issues with (e.g.) attaching photos that everyone drifted back to what we were using before. I’m sure Session will improve, but just for the record, I haven’t been using it because of technical reasons.

    I don’t have an issue with cryptocurrency per se. There are issues with current implementations, but the fact that it’s used for laundering money or scamming people is also an argument that can be made for fiat money, but you don’t see people saying we shouldn’t use dollars because a vast amount of them are used to enable the military industrial complex that is killing people around the world. I haven’t read that Bitcoin is being used to fund any of the attempted genocides currently underway – but fiat money has. People have been scamming people using regular money for far longer than cryptocurrency has existed. A lot of people have lost a lot of money trying to get rich in various cryptocurrencies; do you think more people have lost more money in cryptocurrency than people have lost trying to dabble in the stock market? Have more fortunes been ruined by cryptocurrencies than were ruined by the collapse of the “legitimate” currency of Germany during the Weimar Republic? And what, exactly, is a “fake economy?” If people are willing to exchange goods and services for A Thing – whatever that Thing is – it’s a real economy by definition. The argument that because the currency isn’t endorsed or backed by a government means it’s not real seems debatable, at best.

    While I think a debate about the relative merits and evils of cryptocurrency is a good thing to have, since the OP topic was messengers, to answer your questions: in the entire time I used Session – and though today it’s still on my phone and receiving messages, although nobody’s sending any – I would not know that the developers behind Session had some grander vision involving cryptocurrency unless it had been brought to my attention here. That they want to improve privacy by using an anonymous method of payment for services – one not based on the collection and sale of metadata, or on a traceable currency (which all electronic fiat transactions are) seems reasonable. I imagine that, eventually, they’ll build something like Lightning into the app, so users can transfer cryptocurrency to other users, or to the operators of their servers. If it ever gets to the point where you must pay to use the service using crypto, then maybe I’d be concerned. It’d be no worse than buying tokens at a video game arcade – a practice that was around for more than a decade without an indignant uprising.

    I think it feels sleezy to you because the devs are also interested in integrating cryptocurrency into the Session ecosystem, and you believe cryptocurrency=bad. I think it doesn’t feel icky to me because I’ve been working as a software developer since long before Bitcoin was introduced; and I understand how blockchains work, and know what “proof-of-work” means and what it implies; and I’ve watched the evolution of the internet and the growth of the web, and lived through the eternal September; and I saw how email turned from a communication tool for people in higher ed into a way for scammers (and legitimate businesses) to deliver spam. And I believe that a very many people will try to take advantage of other people and take their money, and they’ll use any possible tool to do so. But I believe that scamming is not fundamental to the nature of cryptocurrencies in the same way that killing people is in the fundamental nature of a gun, any more than buying heroin is fundamental to the nature of a dollar bill.