Also known as snooggums on and

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Any position in the for profit medical payment processing profession, it should be single payer through taxes instead.

    Any investment position that exists to leech money out of successful companies instead of providing cash to improve the business. Basically any part of.a vulture capital firm.

    Any pseudo pretend medical profession that has decades without evidence it works like chiropractors. I’m fine with mediums and other charlatans that at least put up a ‘for entertainment purposes only’ sign and don’t have a history of causing injuries to their clientel.

    Anything involving targeted advertising since it relies on scooping up personal data.

    Debt collectors. The businesses took the risk when they loaned money or provided some kind of service on credit. Selling debt to collectors who maliciously lie and guilt people into paying money they don’t really owe or tricking them into paying debt that would disappear after a period of time is horrible. There are no respectable debt collection companies.

  • But Newsom said he is opposed to the new bill’s mandate on operating systems. “I am concerned, however, about placing a mandate on operating system (OS) developers at this time,” the governor wrote. “No major mobile OS incorporates an option for an opt-out signal. By contrast, most Internet browsers either include such an option or, if users choose, they can download a plug-in with the same functionality. To ensure the ongoing usability of mobile devices, it’s best if design questions are first addressed by developers, rather than by regulators. For this reason, I cannot sign this bill.”

    Oh fuck off Newsom.

  • The thing with meditation and repetitive physical practicing can easily have something like chi that descibes the feeling of getting thigs right in a way that some people take literally magic. Like how focusing on moving something can feel effortless because practice has made it a whole body motion. Or how thinking about punching past something makes it easier to hit it harder because your brain is less likely to subconciously pull back on impact.

    The mental part of martial arts is like medidation. There are real world benefits, both mental and physical, and having a long history that intertwines mysticism means a lot of people are going to start to believe their own hype.