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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Tempy@lemmy.temporus.metoLinux@lemmy.mlNeat factor
    7 months ago

    If you are on endeavour, I don’t think there’s much point jumping to plain Arch if you are all setup and comfortable. I say this as a pure Arch user 😛 Not much will change for you, you’ll just be pissing away a day to setup everything you’ve already setup on endeavour again.

  • Vim or emacs? I mean I know they were created a long time ago, but they are both pretty good pieces of software, both highly configurable. I don’t understand people aversion to them, rather than having the false belief that they are too complicated? When in reality they just aren’t intuitive in terms of modern stuff. But they aren’t difficult, just different.

  • Linux is a full time and never ending experience, the rabbit hole you want/will dig deeper in hope to find a white rabbit !

    While Linux can certainly be such an experience, it doesn’t have to be at all.

    If you have a defined use case for your system, and there’s Linix software to support that, it often just install something like Linux Mint, install the software you need from the repos, and wahoo, you have a computer to do what you need and you just use it.

    Which, for most people, is how they use their computer anyway, a few bits of software they just use to do what they need to do, no need to tinker, problems unlikely to arise.

    But these people are the type that don’t care, they’ll use what comes with the computer they bought, and just be happy, and thus will likely never try Linux.

    For those of us who like to stay in the know and on the bleeding edge, and tinkering and understanding, then it’s a full time thing. But we’re such a small minority.

  • I’d be more interested in knowing how many people are sticking with Linux.

    What issues besides insert windows program doesn’t work.

    Places where the average switcher has problems that aren’t just user error or misunderstanding some fundamental difference, but good places that the community can investigate and improve on.

  • I started using Linux many moons ago when the LAMP stack was common for web development. (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP). But that was only on servers. It’s only in the last couple of years I’ve switched to seriously using Linux on the Desktop. I finally got fed up of Microsoft writing software as if using their OS meant they owned my machine and they could do what they liked with it. So I’ve switched. While windows still sits on a partition due to a couple of games, I find I’m going months without needing to touch it. I suspect I’ll be rid of windows entirely in the near future.