Listen, I can’t just not use Amazon. Where else am I going to get my SYPHILICHODE nail trimmers and LEAKCROTCH underwear?
You can’t just find horrible garbage to buy ANYWHERE, you gotta buy it on Amazon.
I can live without it for a week, but man, these underwear don’t last too long so I gotta keep buying more!
(/s in case this was not sufficiently clear, but this is the ultimate problem with all these pointless little internet symbolic gestures: nobody will notice, remember, or care about them since they’re only going to be a very minor stoppage in buying things, which everyone ends up buying ANYWAYS after the week is over.)
Seriously, they got so expensive so fast.
At this point, if I want a burger, I’ll go spend $11 at Chili’s and get an actually good burger, some chips, fries, and a drink.
Why would ANYONE who is not literally bereft of any other option go to McDonalds at this point?