I’m not religious?
I also don’t even consume porn because I’m not some loser degen
Your comment is so aggressive, go fuck yourself
I’m not religious?
I also don’t even consume porn because I’m not some loser degen
Your comment is so aggressive, go fuck yourself
Except those jobs don’t ruin your dignity and reputation etc
There aren’t very many pornstars who don’t regret it. But you can find countless examples of regret.
You want me to find a citation explaining why women selling their bodies is bad?
Porn industry destroys women’s lives so if AI becomes indistinguishable then women don’t need to sell their bodies in that way anymore
Yeah my place is going to look like Rust Cohle’s house for a bit here. I have nothing left to buy furniture. All I have is my computer and desk, a futon, a tv, and a mattress. LOL
I just bought my first home and I move in tomorrow. So really good. I come from a buttfuck nowhere conservative town and I own property on vancouver island now. Hell yeah!
I unbrainwashed my mom but not my dad
The only music that matters is metal and everything else is canceled
I just turned 30 and I am pretty sure a woman is not worth it if she does not provide you peace at home and is constantly looking for drama and conflict. Spent my youth chasing lost causes
As a guy at least in my experience, whenever I leave home I am faced with constant criticism and I have come to the realization that I simply do not have the capacity for it at home as well
Anna Murphy (ex-Eluveitie, Cellar Darling) is probably my top metal hottie