I’m Latin American, I grew up in this, it’s part of my culture, that’s why I know where all this is going (about musical genres). I’m not an “outsider”.
Your comment sounds a bit racist ngl
You have no idea what you’re talking about, right?
Miguel, aka mickie. Code, Science, Politics, etc.
blog: mugcake.gitlab.io/blog/ (ES/ desactualizado)
pleroma: [email protected] (no existe mas)
mastodon: [email protected]
I’m Latin American, I grew up in this, it’s part of my culture, that’s why I know where all this is going (about musical genres). I’m not an “outsider”.
Your comment sounds a bit racist ngl
You have no idea what you’re talking about, right?
Any music of any genre other than reggaeton and trap. Their “hit songs” rarely manage to survive more than 5 years in the collective thought of the masses, then they become “background noise” in nightclubs, supermarkets, squares and other meeting places, overshadowed by the disposable “hit of the moment”.
the ordinary user will only notice it when his adblocker stops working.
Firefox maintains the largest extension market that’s not based on Chrome, and the company has said it will adopt Mv3 in the interest of cross-browser compatibility.
We all know, and more the Mozilla people, that this cross-browser compatibility is false, the big G is forcing them to use their technology unilaterally. Mozilla is one step away from switching to blink engine, but they has no more options, with the huge losses generated by many bad decisions made, especially during the disastrous management of Brendan Eich. Google became their only oxygen tank (keeping Mozilla afloat enough to avoid antitrust laws and disintegrate the conglomerate).
💖 Mexican candies