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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2025


  • AI would be great. AI could probably do a lot of human jobs.

    large language models are not AI. please stop calling them that. they’re literally the same kind of algorithm your phone keyboard uses for autocorrect, but scaled way up with a bunch of recursion. start typing, then let autocorrect fill in a few sentences. this is just a fancier, not even much more sophisticated, version of that.

    this isn’t about efficiency. this is about looting and lying. it’s about fucking up peoples lives, overwhelming them and frustrating them on a daily basis so they are too exhausted to care whats true, what’s human, or anything else but what daddy tells them.

  • it’s not about sense. it’s about derealization, overwhelming, doing their best to “flood the zone with shit”. makes people give up. makes people not care about the truth. makes people forget there is such a thing as truth, and cleave to simple bullshit tribal identities.

    they kind of need this, because everything they want to do is fucking monstrous, and if anyone ever talked about it honestly at scale, they would all be hanged or beheaded in about five minutes. it’s their only hope of keeping power. chat bots are a great tool for making it happen.

  • it’s a known nazi dog whistle, dude.

    I don’t know how much time you’ve spent around or in the milleiu of silicon valley, but there’s a LOT of fascist shit there. all the major funders of this technology are literally fascists. many of them sig heiling nazis, or assholes who talk openly about the need for a fuhrer/king. this is not secret. one of them, without this technology, has helped multiple far right governments into power, aided multiple genocides, and turned all of your older relatives into nazis. one of them is known as ‘the vampire of silicon valley’; the guy who invented the whole ‘blood boy’ thing (yes that’s real) and has dedicated his vast vast fortune to ending democracy, likes to name his shit after stuff from LOTR; first big one was ‘palantir’. look up what those are for in the books. since its modern resurgance, most of the investments from his VC fund have been in this technology.

  • im skeptical but open to that. it’s just that these models are pushing pushed into literally everything, to the point they’re hard to avoid. I can’t think of another kind of specialized lab tool that has had that done. I do not own, nor have I ever owned, a sample centrifuge. I don’t have CRISPR tools. I have never, outside of academic settings, opened wolfram alpha on my home computer. even AUTOCAD and solidworks are specialist tools, and I haven’t touched any version of either in years.

    because these models, while not good for anything anyone should ever actually want outside a lab setting, are also very very good for fascism. they do everything a fascist needs to, aside from the actual physical killing.

    and I don’t think the level of development and deployment that these tools get, along with the wildly inflated price of the hardware to run them (or anything else) and death of web search, the damage to academic journals, etc, is a net benefit. even to specialized researchers who have uses for specialized versions of them as the statistical tool that they are. certainly not to the fields over the long term.