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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • In no realm does the US consider Japan, Germany, or Singapore a rival. China is the only “rival” in there. The other countries don’t have the actual quantity of people or land size to be an economic rival. At best they could have a higher standard of living based on PPP or GDP per capita, but not anything that would overtake the US. You’re trying to turn a simple evaluation tool that every government should be using on its trading partners into some maniacal weapon of economic doom. There are lots of partners in this world. Just like everyone else if you act like everyone is an enemy then all you ever see is targets.

  • A country would meet all three if it had a trade surplus with the United States of at least $15 billion, a current account surplus of at least 3 percent of gross domestic product, and if it had engaged in persistent, one-sided intervention in foreign exchange markets.

    Being on the list isn’t a bad thing. You only have to have two of the three things listed in order to be on the list and any of our major trading partners would automatically be on it. It’s simply a mechanism for the US government to have reports on other economies it does business with.

  • It’s basically the dot com bubble all over again. These companies survived for years off free money and venture capitalists with seemingly endless pockets due to low interest rates. Now that rates are up the money is dry. Now that investors don’t have free money they want to see a return. Since these companies never could be profitable they’re now collapsing under their own weight.

    As for who was wanting to shut it down… basically any government agency dealing in child abductions, any mom group, “family” organization, incels/people mad at others for just being social. Just my guess.

  • I’ll always repeat this to everyone as my go to.

    For starters don’t count yourself out. If it says college degree or cert required and you don’t have it, apply anyways. I ignore them every time and 99% of the time I get an interview.

    For resumes/CVs make sure to copy and paste some of the language they use in the job description or post. Try to blend it into things you have done or the hobbies you do.

    Don’t forget to also use references that are actually pertinent to the job. Your previous boss is a good one, but so are people who work in that field that can vouch for you. Don’t be afraid to actually ask people you know and name drop where you can.

    Interviewing is a skill. Take notes, take time to answer questions, drink some water. Acknowledge interviewers and their questions and always try to stay on track of their question. Sometimes I have stories for my answers and at the end I like to bring it back by repeating the question and then explaining how that story answered it.

    Lastly be reliable and helpful at your job. People don’t care if you don’t answer work calls or texts after hours, but they do care if you take initiative to help and ask occasionally if there’s something you can do to help. Don’t over work yourself, and remember to shit on company time, but do try to make an impact on key people so you can keep crawling up this shitty capitalist ladder.

    Also, checkout Etsy for some good Google doc templates. I paid like 99 cents for a great resume and CV template that looks way better than I could have done in a few hours. I keep my resume, reference letters, any important job docs, and a spreadsheet of references in a Google drive folder (OneDrive, Dropbox, other cloud services work too obviously).

  • That’s kinda how it works. It’s not like I, as an American tax payer, would want them with a 2 billion US funded loan going out and buying Chinese or Russian weapons. Even Turkish weapons would be one of those thing where I’d want Turkey to give their own loans for weapons. It’s American Money, I want it to go into the American economy if we’re providing the loan. Plus based on the performance it’s not like they’re going to buy better weapons anywhere else.

  • With Russia leaving. They started this war. Fuck off with your “If there isn’t going to be any peace discussions from Ukraine … how does this ever end?”

    Ukraine, and only Ukraine can be the one to talk about any negotiations. I’ll back their decisions whether it’s to fight to the bitter end, or stop and give up. Their people control their destiny. Russia on the other hand is the one that could simply bring an end to this by leaving. They could have brought peace in fact by simply never killing others. You’re victim blaming. Fuck off.

  • As a former larger school district sysadmin all I’m going to say is Fuccckkkkk Surface products. The repair ability of surface devices (sans Surface Laptops) is so bad it’s basically a throwaway device. We wouldn’t dare switch from ChromeOS to that, not because of the whole Microsoft problem or learning a new ecosystem but just simply because we cannot possibly in-house repair those devices and Microsoft support on surface devices is Asssssssss. I had one bad surface in my life and I spent half a work day with MS Support just to get them to send me a box to ship it in so they could repair it.