I use Fastmail with a custom domain for hosting, and FairEmail as my Android app and Thunderbird as my desktop client. Pretty happy with that setup, the apps don’t do any data mining and are fully open source
I use Fastmail with a custom domain for hosting, and FairEmail as my Android app and Thunderbird as my desktop client. Pretty happy with that setup, the apps don’t do any data mining and are fully open source
Thanks (It was bothering me
The linked site has a bit more about it, but usually you see toggle switches like that with relatively “balanced” options. “On” / “Off” are about the same width when rendered as text. It’s easy then to just make the switch big enough for the bigger option and everything’s good. What happens if you have “On” and “Some really long text option that should probably be shorter”? The image shows what it looks like toggled to “On”, and then goes over two solutions, neither of which are great options:
Related, pagination can still get broken if you try hard enough. Some sites have pagination, but bump up the id of old posts every time there’s a new post, so it’s still useless because the links will change content
There’s actually a proposal for various new HTML elements, including a switch:
It’s a little bit harder than you think, because people will definitely do things like this, and they have to account for that sort of behavior:
It is nice to see that they’re working on it, where “they” means part of the W3C (so not just random nobodies):
The purpose of the Open UI, a W3C Community Group, is to allow web developers to style and extend built-in web UI components and controls, such as <select> dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, and date/color pickers.
To do that, we’ll need to fully specify the component parts, states, and behaviors of the built-in controls, as well as necessary accessibility requirements, and provide test suites to ensure compatibility. We’ll also implement polyfills for our extensible web UI controls.
Today, component frameworks and design systems reinvent common web UI controls to give designers full control over their appearance and behavior. We hope to make it unnecessary to reinvent built-in UI controls, but for those who choose to do so, we expect that these design systems will benefit from Open UI’s specifications and test suites.
Long term, we hope that Open UI will establish a standard process for developing high-quality UI controls suitable for addition to the web platform.
In the courts, it’s been referred to as the “feel” and “sound”:
Gaye’s family accused the song’s authors of copying the “feel” and “sound” of “Got to Give It Up”
I don’t know exactly what you’re avoiding wireless for, but it has no ability to transmit, only receive FM if that matters. You could fairly easily disconnect/break the antenna and permanently disable even that.
The closest you’re going to find is probably the SanDisk Sansa Clip+. It can receive FM, but IIRC no wireless other than that. I don’t think it’s made new any more but you should be able to find it for less than £100 online.
I really like sculptures. I generally don’t care for staring at paintings, but if it’s 3D then I’m in. Really liked a Matisse exhibit I saw a while back
Sorry, worded that somewhat confusingly. FairEmail and Thunderbird are both open source apps that I use as clients for my Fastmail account, which probably isn’t open source (I haven’t checked)