lckdscl [they/them]

I self-identify as an nblob, a non-binary little object.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • On my personal computer, zoxide, fzf, fzf tab completion allow me to jump around anywhere quite easily, I still use exa/cd for the most part. Look into this if you need more visualization. I still use a GUI file browser from time to time.

    Oh my server though, I still use the default shell, so yes I just memorize where things are. But a trick is to allow for a large history file, and I use the command history search (Ctrl-R) because I tend to run the same things constantly. My setup helps too, I run things in docker, and have a data and a config directory, things go into each accordingly, and I bind mount those directories instead of using volumes.

    If you edit config files a lot, in vim or nvim, :bro old will give you a list of files you recently edited and you can jump to them by inputting a number.

  • I’ve been waiting on this issue the day it was posted… It doesn’t bother me as much as I have a second vertical monitor so the flashing is at the edge of the vertical one, and it’s definitely reduced but not gone away. Coupled with these recent driver updates, my X server just gets slower over time (not in game, thankfully).

    Nvidia doesn’t even have to go FOSS, they can just go OS, and this issue could probably be resolved by now due to increased transparency of what the f is going on with the drivers, as well as better collaboration between kernel developers and driver developers. Who knows what they’re attempting behind the curtains, 3+ releases since this bug was filed and still not fixed.

    A genuine fuck you, Nvidia.