Well this is random, but today a new community for women’s interests was created. I’ve agreed to share it around so if you’re interested, come join us at [email protected]
ugly bag of mostly water
don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine
Well this is random, but today a new community for women’s interests was created. I’ve agreed to share it around so if you’re interested, come join us at [email protected]
Atomic Blonde
The Big Lebowski
The Crow
Mary Poppins
No, it’s just got an irritating sound. Also it makes me think about Niblets (the frozen corn kernels). But that’s not enough to explain how annoying I find that word. Maybe I’m just weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Something about that word irks me and I’m not sure why.
I’ve always loved that quote. Also this beast:
And we get a little further from perfection
Each year on the road
I think that’s called ‘character’; I think that’s
Just the way it goes
But it’s better to be dusty than polished like some
Store window mannequin
Won’t you touch me where I’m rusty
Let me stain your hands
But doesn’t the starter take like 3 weeks?
It takes me an hour to make pizza from scratch at home. I’ll grant it’s messy but it’s pretty easy!
Hey fellow Philadelphian! I’m originally from New Jersey but have lived in and around Philly since the late '90s.
I like the Citizen of Earth concept too. We’re all human and borders are just lines on a map!
Break out of frames!
Renals in jeanals
Also jeans
A continuous passive motion machine.
I had arthroscopic hip surgery to repair a cartilage tear and shave down some bone overgrowth. For 3 weeks after surgery, I had to put my leg in this machine for an hour four times a day. It slowly bends and straightens your leg, which is supposed to help stave off scar tissue formation inside the hip. And it was rough. I needed my husband’s help to get strapped into the thing, I could never find a comfortable way to position my leg, the thing was noisy as hell so I couldn’t nap while I was using it, and I was lying flat on my back so it was hard to read a book or watch a show without hurting my neck. It sucked and I was so glad when I was cleared to stop using it.
When I was a young idiot, I really thought Clonaid was gonna be a thing. I guess I thought it was plausible because I grew up reading a fuckton of scifi and Dolly the Sheep had been born a couple years prior. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or as my husband’s Southern-ass grandma called it, the “war of northern agression” 🙄
I wish! Every now and again I search “polish” and “lacquer” hoping a new community will have been made, but so far no luck, though it’s been maybe a month since I checked. I keep trying to talk myself into starting one, but I don’t know if I have the patience for modding.
I’ve been pretty into four things lately:
Gorgeous, right? No way I’m ever going back to boring neutrals.
Redbud. It’s got such pretty blossoms and the leaves are a really pleasing shape.
Plus birch beer is awesome
Sometimes it’s meant like “I’m about to ask what might sound like a dumb question, but I’m genuinely asking, so please take me seriously.”
I know this is random, but today a new community for women’s interests was created. I’ve agreed to share it around so if you’re interested, come join us at [email protected]