ugly bag of mostly water

don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • A continuous passive motion machine.

    I had arthroscopic hip surgery to repair a cartilage tear and shave down some bone overgrowth. For 3 weeks after surgery, I had to put my leg in this machine for an hour four times a day. It slowly bends and straightens your leg, which is supposed to help stave off scar tissue formation inside the hip. And it was rough. I needed my husband’s help to get strapped into the thing, I could never find a comfortable way to position my leg, the thing was noisy as hell so I couldn’t nap while I was using it, and I was lying flat on my back so it was hard to read a book or watch a show without hurting my neck. It sucked and I was so glad when I was cleared to stop using it.

  • I’ve been pretty into four things lately:

    1. Healthy cooking, from scratch as much as possible. I got into a rut trying to maximize protein intake, so now I’m trying to find different recipes that don’t compromise on macros but still offer variety in flavors and textures and won’t bother my IBS.
    2. Nail polish and nail art. I have probably about 300 polishes at this point, which sounds like a lot to most people, but it’s a tiny collection compared to some I’ve seen! Last year I got really into nail stamping, which lets you create neat little designs, and you can get really creative with it.
    3. Working out. I recently moved, and designed a power rack for my basement which is pretty fully featured. My goal was to be able to do all the exercises I could do at my previous fitness club (within reason - no way I’m buying a tank sled and a billion 45 lb plates!). I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, and so is my husband, which I’m glad about because he’s a tall dude and working around the low-ish basement ceiling was a challenge.
    4. Indie makeup! Holy Moses I love makeup, and indie brands are killing it. My most recent favorite palette is the Cosmic Brushes Winter Wonderland palette (which came out last year, but is new in my collection). Just look at her!:

    Gorgeous, right? No way I’m ever going back to boring neutrals.