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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • "1" + 2 === "12" is not unique to JS (sans the requirement for the third equals sign), it’s a common feature of multiple strongly typed languages. imho it’s fine.

    EDIT: I did some testing:

    What it works in:

    • JS
    • TS
    • Java
    • C#
    • C++
    • Kotlin
    • Groovy
    • Scala
    • PowerShell

    What produces a number, instead of a string:

    • PHP
    • SQL
    • Perl
    • VB
    • Lua

    What it doesn’t work in:

    • R
    • C
    • Go
    • Swift
    • Rust
    • Python
    • Pascal
    • Ruby
    • Objective C
    • Julia
    • Fortran
    • Ada
    • Dart
    • D
    • Elixir

    And MATLAB appears to produce 51, wtf idk

  • Exactly. When I was clean shaven, it was easy, I could just hold the shaver against the contours of my face.

    Now, with a large beard, I only need to shave every one or two weeks, but it takes much longer to do so and is much trickier. I’ve got to sculpt and shape a mound of hair manually. And every day I still brush and oil it.

    Clean or short shaven was actually less effort.

  • So what’s the deal with GNU? When I first saw it, I was sure the G was silent, or formed a dipthong, like gnat or gnocchi or gnaw or gnarly or gnome or just any word starting with gn in English. But IRL, I’ve only heard it pronounced with a hard G, same with Gnome.

  • Unless everybody fully customises the display and styling of the adverts for their own website, there’s going to be some sort of targetable, recognisable pattern in the way AdSense content looks. Most developers just want an easy drop-in solution.

    Furthermore, Google don’t necessarily want to give you that level of control over the adverts, because that makes it easier to game the ads system with malicious, fake and misleading clicks or invisible adverts. They need their tracking tech attached to it.