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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I got a kind of funny story with regards to these…

    My girlfriend’s Brother’s family are nudists. Well, casually. Among their family is a teenaged boy. He got targeted by some bad people on the internet who did not know about their family being nudists, and tried to extort him after getting him to send them naked photos.

    Kid just laughed it off and told them he didn’t care. Told his parents. They reported it. All done.

    Having once been a teenager, and seeing how damaging these campaigns have been towards young kids, respect to that whole family and that kid. 👊

  • To give an example of why everyone is confused…

    There’s a dead horse pinned beneath a flaming tree on a wet ground. Occam’s razor would tell us the tree fell on the horse after it was struck by lightning.

    An eccentric explanation would be that the horse was cold so it went to the store to buy a lighter and a tank of gas, lit the tree on fire. The fire scared the horse so it dumped buckets of water in the tree, but it was too late. The flames caused it to fall on the horse, which killed it.

    Do you see why there is no such thing of an eccentric example of Occam’s razor? Occam’s razor is the idea that least eccentric explanation is what probably happened.

  • Sometimes between 25 and 40, you’ll realize you “can’t drink like you used to.”

    From here, you’ll almost never be out til last call again. Certainly not without regrets. And it’ll dwindle to where you’re learning to cook instead of asking the Uber driver to swing through McDonald’s on the way home.

    You’ll find you’re amid a new hobby, and an old hobby is in the rearview.

    Welcome to midlife. You’re probably as old as your parents were when they had you, if not older.

  • Honestly, if I can afford it I’m getting it to them whenever other parents are getting it to their kids.

    There were plenty of parents who held off on getting things like TV, the Internet, and it had no pronounced effect.

    My buddy just had a kid and proudly said “they’re never getting a smartphone.” And I was like “dude you slept over my house to watch porn because you didn’t have Internet in the 90s. You do you, but like… Idk. That won’t go the way you think it will.”

  • You build discipline so as not to rely on motivation, as motivation is unreliable.

    Like, if you rely on motivation, depression will win. It’ll get ya. Sneak attack, pin you when you’re down. Or just heavy life events like losing a loved one, or a job. When shit hits hard, there is no motivation. None. Zero. Things can happen in life where purpose feels completely gone. You cannot rely on motivation, because if you end up here and motivation was your only path forward, you’re toast! Well not really, but the uphill battle is even steeper.

    What are you trying to to be motivated to do? Play music? Every day, 30 minutes, no excuses.

    Get into hiking shape? 1 small hike every weekend. Rain or shine.

    Build the discipline. Form the habit. The motivation will come and go. Habits get broken. Discipline stays.