Been using a Dual Edge Safety Razor for a year. It’s so much more affordable and a better shave. I shave every day. I spent like $15 on my razor (1939-45 Gillette tech,) $15ish for 100 razor blades (I use Gillette Nacets) where each one I use for about a week. So what almost two years of blades? I use Arko shave soap which is like $8 a tub and it last me like 3 or 4 months. After shave about $10 again another 2 or 3 months. Most expensive thing was my shave brush which was like $35. Won’t buy another for forever.
Anyway. It’s a nice thing to do. It will take a few weeks to get used to. The shave is excellent and once your used to it you can shave just as fast as the disposable ones with a crazy close shave.
Me this morning. I’m gonna take a look at why this Jenkins pipeline is failing. This one job starts a dozen others. Half are failing. For different reasons. After starting rewriting a job that someone half assed. Realize the original error was caused by missing input but some are still valid. Still can’t figure out why my rewritten program is erroring. Get pulled away because another program did something weird… I completed nothing today but worked a ton.
My day…