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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • When I was around 12, I was learning about overclocking, and accidentally killed my dad’s graphic card, an Nvidia FX 5900.

    I vividly remember launching The Sims 2 to test my overclock, when suddenly the screen started turning on and off (the video driver was probably crashing and restarting), and after I reset the PC, there were 2 green lines on the screen and XP was stuck in 640x480 16 colors because not even the basic display driver was able to load.

    My dad was mad obviously because it was an expensive card, the damage wasn’t covered by the warranty, and he was into gaming too at the time. I was stuck with integrated graphics for about a month while we waited for the geforce 6000 series to come out.

    I was so scared of overclocking after this happened, I didn’t try it again until a few years later years later when I had my own computer (and killed another card, a 9800GX2).

    • Can’t use my phone for more than 10 minutes because it makes my eyes hurt
    • Understanding the mechanics of new games feels harder than it used to be
    • Can’t easily remember the names of characters in a game/movie I’m watching
    • Can’t remember the names of functions for programming languages I’ve learned recently, always need to keep the documentation handy
    • I find it absolutely counterintuitive to use “modern” functions in programming like lambdas (and functional programming in general can’t get into my head)
    • I almost always HATE changes in the OS and programs I use, while I used to love beta-testing stuff
    • Can’t get into new hobbies and interests
    • Still listen to the same genres I used to listen to 10 years ago
    • 2019 feels like a few months ago, not half a decade ago
    • Getting worse and worse at rhythm games

    I’m 33.

  • I’ve been using it since Plasma 6 came out so about 3-4 weeks.

    Overall, it’s been a very negative experience for me. The main problems have been:

    • Random scaling issues in apps: some apps show a slightly smaller cursor, other show a poorly upscaled one, others have random rendering issues like lines remaining on the screen after an option is no longer highlighted (gimp, libreoffice, many others), some apps have random flickering of parts of the UI, some apps no longer scale at all or are scaled twice. Plasmashell itself has blurry icons on the desktop but all other KDE apps don’t. I know fractional scaling has always been problematic, but it has gotten worse to the point of being almost unusable
    • Random crashes of GTK apps when using the wayland backend. Some GTK apps don’t even start and segfault immediately with a wayland error in the terminal
    • Some apps like okular and libreoffice lag like crazy or outright freeze when scrolling
    • Some games not capturing the cursor properly (Proton)
    • Inconsistent font rendering, some fonts look fine in some apps and atrocious in others
    • Issues when resizing or moving windows, some times they “jerk” off the screen or resize to a very tiny window and I’m forced to use key combinations to resize them again
    • Random issues with window decoration not appearing in some apps but randomy appearing for things like context menus

    This is on a full AMD system with Arch Linux, the latest kernel and mesa-git. I hope for KDE’s sake that there’s something broken in my installation because I can’t believe the KDE team released Plasma 6 in this sorry state.

  • It gets better bro.

    I’m 33 and I was in a worse situation:

    • Started getting depressed in 2011 at the age of 20
    • Graduated in CS in 2016, super late, but with top grades
    • Started working as a software developer, hated it
    • For a few years I switched between working in a local computer shop and uni to get a master’s degree
    • Again, I graduated super late in 2021 but with top grades
    • Still hated working as a developer and now hated working as a technician too
    • At the end of 2021, I got a call from my old high school, they needed someone to teach programming
    • Decide to give it a try, absolutely love it
    • Suddenly, depression is gone and I have a reason to get up in the morning
    • A 10 year old nightmare is over, still single though

  • Windows becoming completely hostile towards power users.

    I used to LOVE Windows, I even made fun of friends who were using Linux, which I only used on servers because I thought the desktop experience was sub par (and at the time it was, we’re talking 10-15 years ago). Then Windows 8 came and I stayed on 7 because the experience was bad. Then 10 came and data collection started getting out of control, so I had to jump through a bunch of hoops just to make it usable and “private enough”. Eventually things got so bad around 2019 that I realized that I was spending more time fixing that pile of crap than the average Arch user and I decided to give Linux a serious try.

    I was somewhat annoyed by some UI/UX flaws but eventually I got used to it, and with the coming of Linux gaming I started using Windows less and less (it’s an AMD system so the Linux experience is excellent), eventually last year I realized that I hadn’t booted it in months so I just wiped that drive and started using it for games. I’ve also gotten a lot more paranoid about privacy and sandboxing proprietary software.

    Now with Windows 11 things have gotten so bad that even my students are making fun of it so I don’t think I’ll be coming back.