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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2024


  • You took a lot to say basically nothing.

    Of course countries wanna use their own currency of course they look for any opportunities to do so. But this game isn’t going to change. It’s literally been said for decades since the 80s and here we are almost 50 years later still saying the same thing.

    The day the dollar dies, many countries most of whom are on top now will die with it or be crippled so much so they will be surpassed by younger growing economies with less to lose. It’s just not happening any other way.

  • What does that even mean? What will it be replaced by crypto? Time? Blood?

    If currency is replaced by something other than currency the entire geopolitical and economic landscape we understand will be irrelevant and no longer are we talking about the same topic.

    Otherwise, because that’s how our economy has grown to work.

    You’re not asking a real question, you’re overloading the question with a what if rabbit out of the hat, bigfoot nonexistent bullshit.

    It’s just really not happening, the USD is locked in.

  • A continuation of what has been happening for decades. Other people are just trying to get a piece of their pie. It is nothing new.

    The problem with BRICS is more than half those involved aren’t stable. They’re politically or financially corrupt or worse depend on the West to even function in the first place. Doomed to fail mostly because of the involvement of selfish actors: Russia, SA, India.

    BRICS has more beef with each other than the West half the time. How are India and China going to work together economically when they can’t even settle land disputes? How will BRICS continue when fossil fuels are worthless and half of them are financially empty now? It’s just not realistic.

  • BRICs is a mess. Call me when they actually can mobilize something significant.

    I’m not saying America can’t fall but there just is no alternative right now and likely not soon at all. When the dollar falls everyone else will fall before it and likely little places will boil to the top as history always shows. It will not be the members of BRICs or China or India. It will be some country is the shadow of the US similar to the US only overtaking England because they piggy backed off its fall