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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • The establishment politicians in DC have been absolutely chomping at the bit for war with Iran ever since Trump reneged on the nuclear deal. This is really dumb because unlike Iraq/Afghanistan, Iran is a big country with a serious military backing it. We would need material allied support in such a conflict, and Biden’s “ironclad” stance on Israel has burned bridges rapidly across the globe. If this is the basis for a new war, I suspect it will cause a massive political rift.

    Back down you old fools. If it goes hot, GenZ will not be signing up to save your asses with boots on the ground.

  • Respectfully disagree. As a habitual grass-toucher, I find the vast majority of people I discuss progressive policies with are massively in favor of all of them. Paid family leave, increased minimum wage, access to best quality healthcare outside of employers, universal federal background checks for firearms purchases…these are all massively popular. And it’s not just my anecdotal experiences here, polling data shows these all to be extremely popular, even on both sides of the liberal and conservative ”divide”. We are well within our rights to expect the government to do things for us, not just for the corporations.

    It’s mostly mainstream media outlets such as msnbc, fox, cnn, etc that perpetuate this myth of how the status quo is so wonderful and we could never do better. According to them, the politicians in Washington are political geniuses who should be revered. And wouldn’t you know it - these same multinational companies rake in profits to the tune of billions due to the system favoring them.

    Maybe as well, some boomers who never gave a shit about politics and were able to raise a family on a single income back in the day would think this. Most normal people know this is complete bs and that we’re being screwed, including the vast majority of those under 40 who tend to not consume the traditional news media and get it from varied other sources. You just don’t hear about how we’re all being robbed of our wealth and our dignity on tv.