Just another Swedish programming sysadmin person.
Coffee is always the answer.

And beware my spaghet.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Go has a heavy focus on simplicity and ease-of-use by hiding away complexity through abstractions, something that makes it an excellent language for getting to the minimum-viable-product point. Which I definitely applaud it for, it can be a true joy to code an initial implementation in it.

    The issue with hiding complexity like such is when you reach the limit of the provided abstractions, something that will inevitably happen when your project reaches a certain size. For many languages (like C/C++, Ruby, Python, etc) there’s an option to - at that point - skip the abstractions and instead code directly against the underlying layers, but Go doesn’t actually have that option.
    One result of this is that many enterprise-sized Go projects have had to - in pure desperation - hire the people who designed Go in the first place, just to get the necessary expertice to be able to continue development.

    Here’s one example in the form of a blog - with some examples of where hidden complexity can cause issues in the longer term; https://fasterthanli.me/articles/i-want-off-mr-golangs-wild-ride

  • Ananace@lemmy.ananace.devtoLinux@lemmy.mlUbuntu Snap Hate
    2 months ago

    Well, things like the fact that snap is supposed to be a distro-agnostic packaging method despite being only truly supported on Ubuntu is annoying. The fact that its locked to the Canonical store is annoying. The fact that it requires a system daemon to function is annoying.

    My main gripes with it stem from my job though, since at the university where I work snap has been an absolute travesty;
    It overflows the mount table on multi-user systems.
    It slows down startup a ridiculous amount even if barely any snaps are installed.
    It can’t run user applications if your home drive is mounted over NFS with safe mount options.
    It has no way to disable automatic updates during change critical times - like exams.

    There’s plenty more issues we’ve had with it, but those are the main ones that keep causing us issues.
    Notably Flatpak doesn’t have any of the listed issues, and it also supports both shared installations as well as internal repos, where we can put licensed or bulky software for courses - something which snap can’t support due to the centralized store design.

  • The first official implementation of directly connecting WhatsApp to another chat system - using APIs built specifically for purpose instead of third-party bridges - was indeed done against the Matrix protocol, as part of a collaboration in testing ways to satisfy the interoperability requirements of the EU Digital Services Act.
    So not a case of a third-party bridge trying to act as a WhatsApp client enough to funnel communication, but instead using an official WhatsApp endpoint developed - by them - explicitly for interoperation with another chat system.

    I think the latest update on the topic is the FOSDEM talk that Matthew held this February.

    Edit: It’s worth noting that the goal here is to even support direct E2EE communication between users of WhatsApp and Matrix, something that’s not likely to happen with the first consumer-available release.

  • Flatpak uses OSTree - a git-like system for storing and transferring binary data (commonly referred to as ‘blobs’), and that system works by addressing such blobs by hashes of their content, using Linux hardlinks (multiple inodes all referring to the same disk blocks) to refer to the same data everywhere it’s used.

    So basically, whenever Flatpak tells OSTree to download something, it will only ever store only copy of that same object (.so-file, binary, font, etc), regardless of how many times it’s used by applications across the install.
    Note that this only happens internally in the OSTree repo - i.e. /var/lib/flatpak or ~/.local/share/flatpak, so if you have multiple separate Flatpak installations on your system then they can’t automagically de-duplicate data between each other.