• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think those make sense as deviations. I’ve heard “my sequel” but you’re absolutely right about postgresql.

    The name is kinda irrelevant like hard vs soft g in gif. People know what you mean when you say either.

    But in that same vein, the creator of the “graphics interchange format” says the pronunciation is soft g, but basically everyone says hard g… So “official” pronunciation is kinda irrelevant.

    I don’t judge anyone who uses whichever term they want, but I’ve just noticed the general trend in my smallish interaction bubble.

  • This was a big problem during the 2016 election on reddit. There were armies of idiots who searched for comments containing ‘Trump’ and would brigade the shit out of it. But if you changed the ‘p’ to a ‘р’ (the Cyclic character) or changed the ‘u’ to a ‘ս’ (the Armenian character) miraculously you wouldn’t be brigaded.

  • From what I’ve seen, your $/h for any type of part-time software work is going to be very low.

    You know who has no idea what the going rate is for a decent website? Small business owners. That’s why they don’t have one to begin with.

    I’ve found that if you’re going to freelance, you need to do it full time. Your going to be passed over if someone can do it twice as fast for the same rate, so you really have to slash your prices if you want any business.

  • C# is .Net though. It’s only syntax without it.

    I think it’s definitely a dig at windows, because that used to be the primary issue with c#, you could only really target windows and you could only write it using windows. You could run .net framework applications on Linux, but it was a lot of work and it really underperformed (which would fit the timeline of 2015, when this comic was first posted). Now with .net core you can make a self contained executable that can run on anything.

  • You absolutely can ask it for code you plan to use as long as you treat chatgpt like a beginner dev. Give it a small, very simple, self contained task and test it thoroughly.

    Also, you can write unit tests while being quite unfamiliar with the syntax. For example, you could write a unit test for a function which utilizes a switch statement, without using a switch statement to test it. There’s a whole sect of “test driven development” where this kind of development would probably work pretty well.

    I’ll agree that if you can’t test a piece of code, you have no business writing in the language in a professional capacity.