Especially for gaming. My old Nokia N81 kicked this rectangular piece of glass’s ass when it comes to gaming because I could actually comfortably play games that weren’t turn based and didn’t need to slap an overlay onto the screen.
I am not a number.
Especially for gaming. My old Nokia N81 kicked this rectangular piece of glass’s ass when it comes to gaming because I could actually comfortably play games that weren’t turn based and didn’t need to slap an overlay onto the screen.
Yeah there’s no good reason for a limit. Having no character limit doesn’t stop people from making short posts if they want. If they don’t want long posts taking up half the page, then they should just hide the rest of the text behind a ‘see more’ prompt once it goes over 300 characters.
On a platform like Bluesky I can kinda understand if they limited replies to posts to 300 characters, so that people don’t get walls of text in their inboxes but the original top post should be unlimited IMO.
I used to think a future with cyborgs would be pretty cool but personally, I’m not so hot on the idea anymore. The problem is that you would be beholden to whichever corporation or government manufactures and pays for parts. And who is to say that the support for whichever product that you’ve surgically implanted will be for life, and that you won’t end up with useless landfill electronics sewed up inside of you.
Personally I think that if AI was ever made with altruistic purposes, that could fill the role of things like complex calculations and extra memory or a log. And good Augmented Reality could fill the role of interacting directly with entertainment and blocking out the outside world. And maybe one day there would be effective ways of interacting directly with computers through electrodes or even wirelessly. Although who knows how our privacy would be invaded then. There could be literal thought police in that case.
The problem is that the tech will always come from someone else. Imagine integrating this kind of tech into your life on such a deep level and then the person in charge of over seeing and maintaining this tech turns out to be an authoritarian nazi.
Yeah, to be honest in my online travels these last couple of years, I’ve even seen prejudiced talk regarding sexual attraction coming from people under the non-binary umbrella. Something that I thought I understood early on is that gender identity and sexual attraction are not the same thing and it can be disheartening and doubt inspiring when people in the circles that you are learning from link the two together.
I’ll definitely check it out again then. As a dual booter (for now until I can’t update Windows 10 anymore), cross platform is ideal but otherwise as close as possible is the next best thing.
Last time I checked out Notepadqq, it was nothing like Notepad++, if what you want from Notepad++ are the features. Maybe it’s improved though. Personally I’ve found that with the right combination of settings and add-ons, the closest editors on Linux to Notepad++ are Geany (GTK) or Kate (KDE).
Damn, that definitely looks very cool. Probably expensive too lol. But exactly what these touchscreen phones need.