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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Because Reddit is in the unique position where a small amount of users can affect a vast swathe of their platform - moderators.

    Most mods don’t care, by volume. The ones that do are often also the ones that are more active, more engaged, and more entwined with communities outside Reddit.

    During the protest last year, polls come back favorably pretty much everywhere to shut down - but after the shutdown actually happened, a tidal wave of lurkers who never vote and never comment came out of the woodwork to complain and call it all stupid. Public opinion of all users is likely against practically any protest that could happen.

    I don’t like it, but that’s how it is. The best realistic outcome is that a large contingent of content creators and more informed users leave the site - but how many of those are left that haven’t already vamoosed and are still willing to leave under some unknown worse circumstance?

  • Let’s be honest with ourselves - no, it won’t be wildly unpopular. This change affects very few people and the people still using Reddit at this point likely won’t care much, and I have doubt any future change would cause much outrage either.

    Because think about this - who is actively complaining and gnashing their teeth about the continued downward spiral and still scrolling, posting, moderating there at this point? I’d love to believe more people would jump ship - but if it ever happened it would take a far larger-scope fuckup than anything we’ve seen so far.

  • I am subscribed to over 100 channels, ranging from daily uploads to 1 video every few months. Frankly I don’t need more stuff to watch. When I do want to find something new, it’s either a recommendation from a friend, something I saw on a different social media, or something I searched for myself deliberately.

    This change isn’t a good thing, it’s Google trying to pressure more people into giving up more data, but the “threat” of them removing their algorithmically recommended content from my feed is not a threat at all, it’s a bonus if anything.

  • I hope that the mod-user relationship will be healthier here. (Bias, I was a reddit moderator.)

    Some reddit mods were crap, this is true. Powermods and sub collectors were real. They did shit up a few communities.

    But these people were a very small proportion of all moderators. Most moderators I met were chill, and just wanted to chip in to their respective communities to give back, in a way. Volunteering for internet janitor duty, because no matter how much people use the term as an insult it turns out public spaces need janitors - or they get filled with shit, trash, graffiti (and not the cool kind either, mostly badly drawn swastikas). It’s not a position that should be glorified, or anything, because that’s weird, but I hope that some semblance of basic respect can be maintained here on Lemmy - both ways, meaning no powermods but also no defaulting to assuming mods suck.