Or mortified.
My descendent will be turned into a terminator by the out of control AI death robots sent to kill the generations long Canadian insurgency in order to come back in time and take me and my family out.
It will become Seamonkey?
Mandrake was my first Linux OS.
Most importantly always break well before a turn in snow. Never break in a turn.
I missed this, someone have the TL;DR for the clueless?
O.o this comment is from 2024?
The US continues to surprise me.
In Canada the driver is penalized if any of their passengers are not wearing a seatbelt. Refusal to wear one means getting booted from the vehicle.
Oh… This is it. The site I blacked out. Good grief what a horrible place.
There was some website that I’ve blacked out that had horrifying video of people dying in accidents. I remember someone sent me a link with a motorcyclist being hit by a train. I never clicked another link from that site.
It was worse than tubgirl.
I feel the same way about having to use Mac for work and going back to a Linux PC at the end of the day. God damn I hate Mac’s UX. From the entire UI, to the CMD key, to the fact that END functions as PGDN and goes to and of page instead of end of line.
Yep, for now I just add the Discourse forums to my RSS reader in Nextcloud and catch the new posts in the Nextcloud News app
Fediverse, Forums, or bust.
TIL… Thanks.
EDIT: Been playing with it a bit now and if it uses keepass as the DB the advantage I see right now is that having it in Nextcloud means automatic sync, and there are several autofill and syncing apps for various OSes and password sharing and automated checks for breaches. It’s probably a better option for anyone with Nextcloud than going the Keepassxc/syncthing route.
I’ve always loved Keepass, however I moved away from it in 2012 as it and any file based vault has brute forcing issues. You need to track every copy of it that has been made and if any copy falls out of your hands, like if you lose a device, you need to do a password rotation on 100% of your passwords. Since its a file, its not possible to prevent brute forcing.
Alright does anyone have opinions on Nextcloud Passwords? There’s apps for it and it would sync to my Nextcloud.
I hate this. Bitwarden has been a good app.
Doughnut of power!!!
They also renamed a bunch of locations from Safeway > FreshMart and laid off career employees with years of raises and benefits and forced them to reapply under the new franchise name. Same owners, same stores, but LOOPHOLE.
Fucking assholes.
My username gave me similar feels.