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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2024


  • I guess I’d agree with you if the goal is just to kill your enemies, I just don’t think thats possible. I don’t know how this makes peace any easier, and whether legal and military experts find it indiscriminate or not, it will have a profound effect on the country as a whole.

    It is a terrorist attack, if it happened here we would be talking about the thousands of people who had to witness it and how scared they were, and how noone will touch an electronic anymore out of fear. Even if they were only military people who were “targeted”.

    If this attack would lead to peace and a stop in violence and killing then I’d support it. But it doesnt. Israel has never had a proportionate or measured response, much like the US in its past conflicts.

    Edit to clarify: you are likely right legally. I just disagree on other grounds.

  • I guess I’d agree with you if the goal is just to kill your enemies, I just don’t think thats possible. I don’t know how this makes peace any easier, and whether legal and military experts find it indiscriminate or not, it will have a profound effect on the country as a whole.

    It is a terrorist attack, if it happened here we would be talking about the thousands of people who had to witness it and how scared they were, and how noone will touch an electronic anymore out of fear. Even if they were only military people who were “targeted”.

    If this attack would lead to peace and a stop in violence and killing then I’d support it. But it doesnt. Israel has never had a proportionate or measured response, much like the US in its past conflicts.

  • I agree with all of this even from the other perspective, which is of the person receiving the naloxone. The only bad thing is that its needed in the first place.

    You were right as well, I was quoted that price 3-4 years ago. I keep one in my car now and one at home, not for myself but you never know like you said.

    I would feel awful if I didnt have it in my car when someone needed it.

    Edit: sorry one small caveat, people are afraid to narcan drug users because they can become incredibly sick and violent depending on the person. Personally, I almost killed myself trying to get high again after as well and not by overdosing, I almost crashed my car on the way to my dealer. Its a fucked situation either way.

  • Sorry I was being vague. Its an attack meant to cause terror in the civilian population as well. Its considered indiscriminate because while they knew who had the pagers at a point in time, when they did decide to blow them they couldnt know who would be hurt. In my opinion thats a line too far to cross.

    It might also have to do with the fact that I consider people who are fighting in their own land to be both civilians and militants. Thats besides the actual civilians, if its even possible to live in some of these areas and truly avoid contact with “bad people”.

    I don’t buy all this eye for an eye stuff going around, people are shit judges of themselves let alone other people.

  • Where would the people evacuate to? Why is it always assumed thats a valid option?

    I’m not condoning violence but all of these better options people listed have been tried over and over, and Palestinians were dieing long before October 7th.

    Look up how many palestinian children the IDF killed in 2023 prior to the attack.

    Tell me what’s the right answer when another group of people controls your life and kills your family members.

    Israel has been just as if not more violent than Hamas, its bullshit to defend them. Defending themselves my ass, defenders don’t steal land.

  • Sort of. Its very expensive if someone else doesnt pay for it. CVS quoted me 350$ for a single dose inhaler.

    It is true that its not hard to get if you go to places that offer help, but if I’m hiding an addiction from my family, I’m not stopping by the local methadone clinic for a box of naloxone.

    As for marijuana legalization, its made a huge difference. Its one of the best comfort medications for handling minor opiate withdrawal, as it takes the place of maybe 5 or so other comfort medications that are often prescribed together.

    It can’t be abused the same way opiates can be, it has a ceiling affect and is not dangerous to the user immediately. On top of that, before it was legal, methadone clinics would either restrict their patients who used, or kick them out. Now, they see the drug test show marijuana and just don’t care.

    Thats mainly from the perspective of a drug addict. A drug naive person maybe is more likely to go to a dispensary and be happy with that rather than chase street highs.