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Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • The problem is there is no recourse like in a normal job. It’s not like you can just say, working conditions here are bad I’m going somewhere else. Working conditions are miserable everywhere for residents, 80 hour weeks are a norm not an exception, and switching to other programs is near impossible. There’s a specific exception in US anti trust law that helps keep this all going and make it so programs effectively don’t need to compete with each other on things like pay and benefits. If a resident were to leave their program, they’d be saddled with 6 figure student loan debt, be unable to use their degree for the most part, and be very unlikely to be picked up by any other program. And if they did, it’d likely be an even worse situation (why else would the position be open?). Though some programs may be better than others, even the best case scenarios are ridiculous and unsafe to any reasonable person looking at them. It’s this bizarre case of group insanity where people figure it must be reasonable if so many people put up with it, but anyone outside of medicine would be horrified. The entire residency system is broken, has been from the start, and all the external incentives on the residency system are pushing it to get even worse, not better. Need change forced by law from above, the monopoly ended, or resident unions, all three really.

  • I understand the sentiment but it’s not really helpful. They’re still the ones on call, they need to talk to you, and will be writing your orders and things anyways. Not really like they can just say, oh yeah I am tired I’ll just go home and sleep and abandon all these patients here, why didn’t I think of that?

    Helpful things would be writing congressmen and senators about reform to the residency system, supporting unionization efforts. Change will only come if forced from above or if residents get more of a say. Ideal situation in my mind would be a more typical work schedule capped at closer to 50 hours a week, maybe with increased residency training time overall and increased pay during that time to compensate (need to keep up with cripplingly high student loan debt for those who didn’t have wealthy parents who payed for medical school).

    Even attending physicians will really need to start unionizing if they don’t want to get totally lost in the shuffle, since they’re mostly employed directly now instead of running their own practices or specialty group, they get very little say in how things are done.

  • Unfortunately a common experience. While they don’t tell you to lie, the system is set up to make that the only reasonable option. And even if they were holding to 80 hour max (open secret this limit is broken many places) it would still be too much for any job, let alone something high risk like a doctor in training. If you were on a plane with a pilot in training who’d worked almost 80 hrs and been up for 20 hours straight already, you’d rightfully be very concerned.

    Don’t forget mandatory resiliency lectures after your 24 hr shift to really rub it in and gaslight you that all of this is somehow your fault.

  • Residents in the US have 80 hours with maximum of 28 hour shifts, not a ton better. Though average salary is better at 58,000. Still, considering the hours worked and 8 years of schooling up to that point, ugh.

    Residency is just a terrible idea through and through, absolutely insane. Where else could you start a job and be told “right so you’re new here, this is life and death decision making, we’d like you to stay up working for 28 hrs straight doing this. Alright, get to work!”

    If a resident gets two days off, it’s called a “golden weekend.” What most people refer to as, a weekend. It’s just exploitation. Even more so when you consider Medicare pays for residents (and they even pay the hospitals more than the resident’s actual salary! So the hospital pockets that difference and benefits from all the direct value the residents generate too). There’s even an exception in US anti trust law to make the system legal. Glad more residents are unionizing here as well. Residency is horrible and needs to go.


    There’s even this lovely line:

    The program, in partnership with its Sponsoring Institution, must ensure adequate sleep facilities and safe transportation options for residents who may be too fatigued to safely return home

    So, so tired not even safe to return home (which I mean they’re right, it is not safe to be driving after staying up 24 hours straight) but continue doing patient care while you’re that impaired, it’s fine.

    In a prospective study, new medical interns went from 3.9% meeting criteria for major depressive disorder to 25% after starting. And depression was linked with increased medical errors to boot. Of course mean work hours was a major association of depression too.


    Totally asinine, a whole enormous meat grinding machine that needs to go, but is stuck in place by historical inertia and current profits for large hospitals.

  • Kind of? They call it that sometimes but it doesn’t look like a true no first use policy in the same vein as China’s and India’s. Putin also threatens nuclear weapons if NATO troops were to get involved in Ukraine, and openly questions the policy.


    I’m not sure any nuclear country would stick to these policies if they truly faced an existential threat, whether that threat was nuclear or not. Russia’s policy has a carve out for any existential threat including conventional weapons. US and Russian policies are pretty close, basically okay to use for any existential threat. Doesn’t hurt to try and negotiate more no first use policies and reinforce the norm though.

    Looks like the UK, France, and Pakistan also lack no first use policies.


    As far as I can tell the article is correct, China and India are the only current nuclear powers with true no first use policies. If that’s incorrect happy to learn more though. Israel not on here cause officially not a nuclear power, but hey we weren’t born yesterday.

  • Not some home brew theory. And it is very convoluted, but it’s bascially more “one China” policy word games.

    The Taiwanese president unofficially stated in 1991 they do not claim mainland China, but this was never affirmed by courts and there’s no force of law behind it. They cannot officially do this currently without greatly antagonizing China. China’s view is that Taiwan limiting its borders to include only Taiwan and not all of China, would signal the end of the “one China” policy and be a precursor to Taiwanese independence. If Tawain were to declare different national borders that include only the island itself, then China would view it as a violation of their anti secession law passed in 2005, which threatens military force in retaliation. In China’s view, they are another government still within China and still in civil war, without the authority to re-define national borders.


    Continuing to claim mainland China as part of the same country is continuing the current status quo, any deviations from that would be viewed as an attempted separation of “indivisable” China. So the claim to the mainland at this point in history is primarily to not antagonize China and continue the status quo situation.

  • First I’m very sorry about your dog.

    I don’t know as much of the veterinary world. And there’s a ton of information your vet and surgeon has on your specific case that no one online will have, so no one here is going to give you very specific answers to your case. So take everything that follows with a grain of salt, and talk more with your surgeon, not internet strangers. And it sounds like your dog was in a very dangerous situation, keep in mind a bad outcome doesn’t necessarily mean anyone did anything wrong, you and your surgeon included. I can tell you some general things about how repurfusion can be dangerous in humans though.

    I was confused why both your explanations are hung up on free radicals. Not that there aren’t, I’m guessing there’d be more than usual. It’s just a bizarre explanation of repurfusion injury. There’s many dangers, but basically if you have dead or poorly perfused tissue (sounds like there was a lot of this from your description), and there’s a turniket or a hernia acting as a turniket in this case squeezing the blood supply so nothing is getting in or out, or very little is getting in or out, all of the harmful dead stuff from the process of that tissue dying is somewhat stuck there. But once this narrowing is resolved (taking off a turniket or getting the tissue out of the henria in this case) now there’s blood flow and all the material form this dying or dead tissue has a clear route back to the rest of the body. It also sound like in this case there was a really horrific large hernia with probably multiple sections of multiple organs that had already infarcted (died from lack of oxygen/blood flow) based on what you wrote. Sometimes in humans you can resect small portions of dead intestine and reconnect remaining pieces, but you can’t just take out their whole liver, they need that.

    But free radicals is a weird red herring thing to talk about. Potassium is the main killer for repurfusion injury. There’s very little potassium outside cells (like in your blood and fluids), but tons inside cells. Well we have a whole mass of tissue from multiple organs that just died and that’s all getting released at once. The heart does not like this, and can go into arrhythmias and stop beating. Potassium is actually the final drug used in a lethal injection in capital punishment for instance. There’s tons of other harmful things going on too. But if large sections of multiple orgams had already died or been severely injured by the hernia, there may not have been any possible way to save them. And if you leave them that way the harmful stuff will find it’s way out eventually anyways, and the dead gi organs will cause massive septic shock as all the bacteria spill out from the inner gut through all the dead tissue into the rest of the body. Long story short, ischemia or infarction of bowels and other gi organs from a hernia or any other cause is an extremely dangerous situation requiring emergency surgery and can be fatal in humans, and even with that it may be impossible to save them. I’m guessing it’s similar for dogs.

    Again take everything I said with a grain of salt, your surgeon has the best information on what actually happened. I just wouldn’t get too hung up on “free radicals.” Ischemic or infarcted orgams is an extremely dangerous situation for tons of reasons.