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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I can’t help with the middle days but I have a trick for Friday. Look for something the entire week that can be pushed, for a semi valid reason, to Friday afternoon/evening. Preferably something that’s easy but takes a lot of waiting. That way when someone tries to drop some shit on you last minute you can say " sorry boss I’m already scheduled for x or y priority task, it’ll have to wait until Monday " it doesn’t always work, especially if your boss is a fucking Slave Driver. But it has saved me a few times.

    Right now I have a ticket scheduled for around 3:30 that should keep me “busy” until 5.

  • So guys, not saying this was right, murder is wrong in almost all scenarios. That being said I feel like no one in this thread actually read the article, he didn’t just eat a banana. He took a banana that was give as a ritualistic offering to a Hindu deity. Didn’t deserve death, but if the accusation is true he had to have expected some serious consequences.

    Like come on, if this was an article about a Muslim community beating the shit out of someone for throwing bacon at a mosque, we’d all probably have a different reaction. Murder was too far, but you can’t spit in the face of someone’s religion or culture and expect nothing to happen.

  • Yeah that’s a good point. Now that I’m farther in my career i think it is pretty wild they didn’t have some kinda back up software or network storage for critical stuff. The only reason I can think of is espionage, we were seriously worried about international espionage. I had to do training for it, we had a picture of Smokey the bear in our break room that said " only you can prevent government espionage". Shit, I just remembered the guy (super rough scruffy looking guy) cried over this, literally cried. Maybe he realized it was probably his ass for that too?

  • Your not wrong, and definitely not the first person to tell me that. But it still fucked with me for a while. There were a lot of really good people there, just trying to make there way. My actions, whether my fault or not, indirectly caused probably like 150+ people to lose their job, and that’s on the day shift, idk if they even kept the night shift. I know it’s not my fault, but like, I still feel a lil shitty about it, ya know. This was probably 6-7 years ago. Sense then I’ve learned my lesson and never ever keep my mouth shut and make sure I have all concerns documented. Ho boy has it saved my ass.