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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2024


  • I’m a die hard Microsoft hater. I haven’t had windows installed on a pc in years. With that being said I use visual studio code because it’s kind of the only text editor that does code completion in the capacity that it does. I can take a class name, type a “.” after it and a scroll view opens up shows every accessible member of that class along with comments and information about all the variables. The amount of time this saves is so huge I don’t even know how you would quantify it. Nothing else has code completion that even comes close to being that good.

    Do non visual studio code users just have to memorize every single function, parameter and return type in their code base? Yeah you can always read the documentation, sure you can always dig through the source code to figure it out every time you forget what data type a parameter is but that takes valuable time.

    If they ever put visual studio code behind a paywall or stop making it for Linux, I’m going to be forced to either switch to windows (which I never will under any circumstances) or make a custom made ripoff clone of that entire intellisense code completion system and hack it into whichever open source text editor I deem is the next best thing.

  • Now all they have to do is convince game developers to use this then it’s back to every AAA game being impossible to run in Linux again. Patching out a shitty driver subroutine is one thing but patching out an entire api that complicated is another. Net framework was the achilles heel of Linux compatibility for a long time and I’m sure one of their low-key goals is to find the next monkey wrench to throw into things.