March 2024… Useless data.
March 2024… Useless data.
Sounds like excuses to me.
You get an 83% if you don’t know what your are doing?
I wish my scores were as high in those situations…
This is one stat I’ve found
I’m so excited! Will it not suck completely? Maybe!
Even without US. UK has nukes, France has nukes. You don’t need a lot to destroy Russia. Basically just two.
Nato would completely overwhelm Russia, but not before nukes would fly from various places and hit major cities in the western world. In the retaliation, all of Russia would be destroyed, world in turmoil…
I didn’t know that. Can you recommend an article or something about that?
You can frame it like that or you could frame it that life saving weapons are provided while wrapping financing into something the countries can digest.
It’s just messed up messaging. Germany will continue to deliver all the aid that was promised and they might add new aid, but the financing will be different.
At this point it is necessary to mention Germany provides a lot.
Also to mention, maybe Germany gov should change their Pr department. These kinds of things have now became a pattern.
It was a joke…
Geez. Linux community is extremely uptight and extremely triggered by any challenge, even whimsical. Relax guys. But seriously, Firefox kind of sucks.
So just to install chrome?
Edit: I got down voted for saying people use edge for downloading Chrome. A lot of edge lovers here, who would have known?
I know the Linux community doesn’t want to know, but Firefox is not as belowed as you might think.
The worst thing to do is to pretend there is no issue. There is an issue, it’s an issue people get easily upset about. There has to be a precise way how to deal with it so there is no room for it being a political issue.
I don’t really know, but when they have weird illogical views that they defend with trump like arguments, I think they are kids. They might not be 10.
Did I say he was winning? Where? Show me!
Biden had beaten him before. And many people will vote for a shit stain against trump.
It’s not like that, it’s the other way around. The main goal is to destroy corbyn (or any real leftist). None of them care for Palestinians even in a way to think of them, let alone dwell on their humanity. They are a tool if needed.
That’s a strawman. It is not like that at all and I never said it was. I even specifically said that I know the reason it is like it is. I do know how to work with it. And no, I have an ideology, something I mentioned many times : I’m a pragmatist.
Many developers have narrow views. Probably most have.
I only saw the one text saying march