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Cake day: July 10th, 2024

  • You nailed it in the first paragraph. It’s domestic politics. Cuban immigrants have a large voting bloc in a swing state.

    American national politics work off of a system designed 250 years ago to maintain a balance of power between rebelling colonies trying to form a nation-state. Any amendment to the Constitution requires the agreement of either a supermajority of Congress or a supermajority of the states themselves. Neither of which are even a slight possibility in the foreseeable future.

    It’s deeply ironic that the US is such a young nation, but is crippling itself based on relatively new traditions that were always designed to be changed as needed. Changing with the times was foreseen by the Founding Fathers, who are revered as gods but whose actual views are rarely analyzed in depth.

    Instead, the pull toward white Christian nationalism has destroyed all the Enlightenment ideals the country was founded upon, and the freedom for each generation to choose its own path at a fundamental level, which was explicitly the Founding Fathers’ original design, has fallen victim to partisan politics.

  • Traditional instruction gave the same result as a bleeding edge ChatGPT tutorial bot. Imagine what would happen if a tiny fraction of the billions spent to develop this technology went into funding improved traditional instruction.

    Better paid teachers, better resources, studies geared at optimizing traditional instruction, etc.

    Move fast and break things was always a stupid goal. Turbocharging it with all this money is killing the tried and true options that actually produce results, while straining the power grid and worsening global warming.

  • That phenomenon isn’t exclusive to AI. A societal structure where a minuscule number of people amass all wealth and see themselves as gods is an inherently evil system.

    Everything they do and everything they create is a means to increase their wealth and power at the expense of everyone else. At the expense of the planet itself. Regulators, courts, the government, and every other institution become captured vehicles that exist to increase their wealth and power. The people are made poorer and poorer while being distracted by bread and circuses.

    The only war is class war.

  • The events of the last year have made it crystal clear to me that the lives of people from certain parts of the globe—not only from Sudan, but also from Gaza, Congo and so many other conflict zones of the Global South—are deemed entirely disposable. That the world will look back to Rwanda and say, ‘how could we let it happen?’ and yet stand by as it happens again, and again, and again.

    It’s not that people in the West don’t care, necessarily; it’s that those with wealth and influence keep stories from the region out of the news, or at least sufficiently under-covered, that popular anger and a demand for action never materialize.