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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I’m also for paying more. But lots aren’t. Especially because they can’t survive currently. On the current system it does not work. Worker reformer has to happen alongside it. I can only afford to buy eco products because of my current situation. When that changes I will be going back to cheap. Because I cannot afford that luxury.

    My country uses very little coal. But steel and food and everything else uses coal and all sorts. It’s impossible to separate them

  • You mean when China and other countries have been fudging the numbers on their supposed GDP.

    China should be fucked. It’s biggest industry’s is house building and it’s just been building fake cities to keep up with this apparent industry. It’s building for the sake of numbers going up in a spreadsheet.

    If Chinas numbers stop going up maybe other countries numbers also won’t go up.

    Why won’t anyone think of the shareholders. Someone please do something. All numbers must go up at all times.