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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’ve never heard that before and find it baffling.

    Bulbasaur comes out of the gate with two types.

    Charmander becomes Charizard with two types.

    The first (or second) non-starter you encounter is Pidgy with two types.

    The required Viridian Forest had Weedle with two types and if you only got a Caterpie, that becomes Butterfree who also has two types.

    The number of two type Pokemon that you can catch at the start of the game is massive. Probably about half?

  • This is hugely important. Since Windows is what they use now, I’d start by seeing if any peers are using macOS. See what issues, if any, they have. If you can find someone who uses ChomeOS, ask them too.

    Linux will likely have a solution to any sort of compatibility problems, but I imagine folks who have already moved off of Windows will share similar problems.

  • Downsizing.

    The trailer pitches it as a funny concept movie (what if people could become small), but that concept is largely dropped about 1/3rd of the way in and becomes a dystopian drama, which is interesting but a huge tonal shift, only for that story to be dropped 2/3rds in, to finally give us an end of the world story, which is kinda comedy but not really.

    It’s three movies squished together, each of them are “fine” but together they are an ugly boring mess.

  • For your second point, do you say that you use Adobe or Windows?

    Or how about if I said I made this cool image using Linux? More likely I’d say I used GIMP or ImageMagick or some specific command line tool.

    Linux is just the kernel. It’s an amazing kernel, but it’s only half the story. The tools on top of it are just as important as the kernel. That’s the point of saying GNU/Linux is to call out the other half of the whole experience.

    The reason GNU/Linux isn’t popular to say is that it doesn’t provide any real information. “I run Linux” and “I run GNU/Linux” doesn’t really tell you anything. “I run Debian”, “I run Fedora”, “I run Arch BTW”, those all tell you something different.

    I can’t speak to the OS landscape when Linux was released. Maybe saying that you ran GNU/Minix or Bell/Unix or whatever combinations might have existed would have made sense. However at this point it doesn’t.

  • On the one hand I agree.

    I remember when I first learned about Linux, specifically an early version of KNOPPIX. Computers ran Windows. Mac whatever existed but was niche. The idea that I could boot a new fully functional OS from a CD was an absolutely crazy idea. I thought I had an understanding of computers but this changed everything.

    This rant talks about users being unwilling to branch out but I think it’s more that they’re unable to. They lack the understanding of what question to ask. They’re not making the choice to not try Foo, they lack the understanding that alternatives exist. If someone told you “Actually cars don’t need wheels” and then took the wheels off and drove away you’d be completely flabbergasted. Turns out cars move based on magic not wheels.

    On the other hand.

    I don’t think it’s unreasonable for folks to be a little more attentive in the choices they make. When you buy a car you don’t just show up to the dealership and grab the first one you see. You choose gas, electric or hybrid. You choose a car, a truck, a van, etc based on your needs. You might pick a specific brand/make/model based on other requirements.

    It’s fine to choose the most popular option, it’s popular for a reason, but you should understand a little bit about your choice. You chose Lenovo. You chose Windows. You chose Edge. You chose Bing.

    I’m not asking if you know if you have an HDD or an SSD. I’m not asking if it’s an NVME drive. I’m not asking which generation/model CPU it has.

    I think the frustration being expressed is the type you see from the classic “The Website is Down”.

  • Infinite scrolling. Sometimes I want things to end. It’s fine if I have to click “more” but I want to know when I’ve reached the “end”.

    Also many apps/sites forget where I am it I leave, so if I leave and then go back I’m in the middle of a mess.

    (I’m fine for it to be an option, I personally don’t like it but I don’t care if folks who like it keep it.)

  • Well put. In so many of these threads I see childish “Boo! Fuck big corp Boo!!!” without actual discussion.

    If this was Apple Maps do folks behave the same? Bing Maps? OpenStreet Maps? A printed Rand McNally map?

    Or what if the car were a Tesla? Suddenly it’s “Boo cars”, or maybe we hate Ford? Boo Ford!!!

    None of that is really relevant.

    Now as was pointed out, there was improper signage, so maybe the state/county/city/local roadworks are partially at fault here. That is going to require some investigation.

    By all accounts there was some bad weather and someone misjudged what needed to be done to keep themselves safe. That sucks, I feel for the family, but the navigation app they used isn’t relevant.

    No one “Backing the big corp” because they are a big corp. I’m “backing the big corp” because we all know this is frivolous. If this was instead the “cool new app written by a middle schooler” I’d still be backing them because the app is completely unrelated to the accident.

  • Extension support/customization.

    I used Firefox on the desktop since it was called Firebird. I could mix and match and mush all sorts of crazy things into it over the years. I was very happy with it.

    Then Australis (sp?) changed everything on the desktop and broke all my extensions. Some still worked, but since the goal was “be Chrome” I just switched to that.

    On mobile it was a similar experience. I could add all sorts of extensions and then one day I just couldn’t. All the browsers were basically the same so I switched to Chrome.

    One day Chrome added the ability to have the URL bar on the bottom and I was so pleased. Then one day they took it away. I looked online how to get it back and discovered Firefox could do it. Then I learned that as long as I used Firefox Nightly I could install extensions. (I think you can do this in stable now?) Then I learned about a handful of other useful customizations.

    I use Firefox mainly. I use Chrome sometimes if I’m testing something, mostly to test “Did I fuck up with my constant customization in Firefox or is this website just stupid?”

    I use Firefox because it (generally) let’s me decide how it should work.