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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Scroll past them Ignore them

    You don’t mind seeing naked titties if they’re from some random model stolen online? But lord, the horror if a girl a tries to make a living from selling pictures and a fantasy without getting ripped off by big companies.

    The brainpower some lemmings expend on absolutely trivial things always keeps boggling my mind tbh.

  • Tbh, if you’re that nervous about crossing the border with data, I’m sure you could find other ways to use the internet and decent encryption (behind multiple layers and/or people with a Deadman’s switch if you’re really paranoia and worried a judge will force you to unlock the precious 4mb worth of information) to protect your data when crossing a border.

    Or probably even safer if you’re talking about just 4mb of data: send it from a random address in one country to a postbox in your destination or something by post. Tampering with mail carries a pretty heavy fine in most countries, chances a random postman opens a random envelope to a random address abroad are basically non existant. Security through obscurity.

    I like reading about infosec, but some of it borders on absolute paranoia tbh :)

  • Man, this should also be a thing for humans. Seeing my grandmother deteriote very slowly is just painful. She wants it to end, we want it to end seeing her deaf, borderline blind and slowly turning incontinent, but her very old body just keeps going on and on without needing long term medical care. Should be part of human rights, dying on your own terms (without having to resort to violence, eg suicide)

  • Yeah, once you have kids, you realize the magic of Xmas trumps any other potential issues one might have with it.

    Kids don’t think about all the issues of “free toys, stranger danger, weirdo in my house, lapsitting on an older dude”.

    For them Christmas is pure magic. I would never take this away from my Kids. My eldest knows the truth, he still loves pretending and making my youngest kids believe.

    Sometimes the magic of a situation is much more important than the “educational value”. You won’t traumatize your kids by having santa come and have the best morning of their entire year…