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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Unfortunately and scarily, Russia is showing much of the same pattern as Germany in its most dark past, with the ruski mir looking more and more like the german lebensraum.

    When you totally know what the lebensraum was.

    The Nazis’ lebensraum project wasn’t just taking over a bunch of land in Europe, it was a settler colonial project inspired by the American policies of systematic forced displacement and extermination of the native populations under the doctrine manifest destiny.

    Lebensraum was a pseudo-scientific racist theory formulated by pro-colonialism far right German thinkers, according to the lebensraum theory, a race needs a certain amount of space for themselves in order to attain their full potential and therefore need to take their necessary territory from “lesser” races by force. To summarise rapidly how it was developed, the German colonialists basically went “Look at America, they expanded to the west basically exterminating every native population in the way and replacing they with white settlers and now they’re super rich and powerful, so if we exterminate a bunch of native populations, take over their land and put native Germans in their place, we should become super rich and powerful too”.

    The idea was put into practice in Namibia, then one of the German empire’s colonies, resulting in the genocide of the Herero and Nama.

    Fast forward a bit, Adolph Hitler was visited in prison by one of the main colonialist thinkers behind lebensraum theory and Hitler was rapidly convinced to adopt it.

    And that’s how was born the genocidal project of the Nazis in eastern Europe, just as their mentor the United States had rid “their” land of “lesser” north Americans natives to expand westward and make way for the “superior” whites, so would Germany rid eastern Europe of Jews and Slavs to make way for the “Aryans”.

    Now comes the question: is Russia doing any of that? Does the Russian government believe in and promote a theory that rank races to justify the extermination of “lesser” ones? Is Russia shoving Ukrainians (or anyone else) in concentration camps and “reservation”? Do they steal Ukrainians houses and invite Russian natives to go live in the stolen houses in Ukraine?

    The answer to all of those questions is no. If you think it’s yes you need to demonstrate it, saying “they look just like Nazis” without drawing any actual parallels between them is no better than saying “anyone I don’t like is a Nazi”.

    The fact that all of russia’s puppet state demanded to join NATO (BTW: you cannot be invited it only works by writing an official demand to join and approval by all member state), is a revealing fact.

    If a NATO country can somehow influence the elections and public opinion on NATO in those so called “Russian puppets”, which they very much can, they can make sure to have pro-NATO politicians in power who will demand a NATO membership, that way they effectively force the country to join while making it look like it was voluntary.

    As we saw in Ukraine, Russia does not need any reason to invade a sovereign nation (their reason for invading looking also stangely like german justification for poland invasion)

    “Russia does not need any reason to invade[…] their reason for invading looking also stangely like…”

    Look, if you’re gonna spew bullshit, can’t you at least keep it strait and somewhat coherent?

    Putin didn’t just wake up and decide he was feeling like invading something that day, whether you like it or not they had actual reasons to do it and the fact that you or I may or may not think those reasons are not legitimate does not matter since neither you nor I have a say in the Kremlin.

    Also, once again you say “they look like Nazis” without showing why you think they look like Nazis. How are their reasons similar? Russia’s stated reasons for invading are to prevent all of their western frontier neighbors to become part of a military alliance they deem aggressive to them and to stop the killing of ethnic Russians in the Donbas and Luhansk regions and overthrow the current far right government of Ukraine, how is that similar to the Nazi’s excuses to invade Poland?

    The countless horrors of torture, rape, murder and brainwashing by the russian state, seems to prove their reasoning right.

    [citation needed]

    That wouldn’t be the first time the west has falsely accused an enemy of those things so I’m really gonna need a source for that.

    I do not claim that the west is perfect, with the actions of the united states and other in recent times, but claiming that russia or china have clean hands would be outright hypocritical.

    You claim that the west is systematically better than Russia, China and other countries that the west considers rivals or enemy (funny coincidence that those are all countries the west don’t like isn’t it) and when we demonstrate to you that this is bullshit since the west has literally done almost every single thing you accuse China, Russia, etc of, often in worst and more than once, you go “Ha but I think the west is bad too” so that you can continue pretending to be objective even after we expose you massive pro-west bias.

    Thanks to the free press, the western world made their population aware of this wrong actions and helped steer them in the right direction.

    The press in the west is not free, it’s the private property of a handful of billionaires who, since they are their private properties, have complete control over what is or is not published in their outlets. I’d even say that given that the capitalists are the ruling class in the west, privately owned medias are really state owned medias with extra steps.

    Not to mention the fact that western outlet are often in contact with organs of western governments, most notoriously with the CIA, who often dictate what the outlets should publish.

    Just look at how they report on the genocide of Palestinians, does that look like fair and unbiased reporting to you? Those that look free pro Israel bias?

  • Yellen made a point of shouting out Deng Xiaoping’s 1992 visit to manufacturing and export powerhouse Guangzhou. It marked a key milestone in China’s progress in becoming a market economy, one that Yellen hopes the Xi era will emulate by leveling playing fields for Western companies.

    Liberals can’t see beyond what’s right in front of them as usual, without doing the smallest amount of investigations into Deng’s reasoning for the market reforms she is preaching him as a liberal icon to peoples who know the actual reason why Deng did what he did. Having markets and bourgeois on a leash to develop the forces of production is pretty basic stuff and it’s easy to find that it’s what Deng wanted to do, but instead of looking into why on earth the chairman of a communist party would implement market reforms they saw that China’s market was open to foreign markets and concluded that Deng was a liberal without any further investigations.

  • “The peoples who disagree with me aren’t real akshually sweaty, it’s all a conspiracy from [insert whatever person/country lib decided to hate this week].”

    Isn’t you radlib’s whole shtick that you’re supposedly better than the MAGA Qanon crowd in every ways? If so you should at least try to pretend to have better arguments than them lol. This is legitimately pathetic.

    The fact that you dogged the question with a thought terminating cliché instead of elaborating as was asked of you is a perfect illustration of the fact that the only troll here is you, and that you are nothing but a sad clown with no actual arguments 🤡

  • Y’all are… tiring… I’m just gonna copypaste my answer to an other comment of the same thread:

    Y’all keep saying that but I have yet to see any of you point any actual material difference between Trump’s presidency vs during Biden’s presidency.

    What changed after the transition from Trump to Biden except rhetoric? As far as I know, oppressed minorities kept having their rights taken away 1 by 1 the same as before, police kept being over funded the same as before, migrants from the southern border kept being detained in literal concentration camps at the border the same as before, things kept getting more financially difficult for the average American every day the same as before, big polluter corporations kept polluting without consequences the same as before, the military budget kept getting ramped up every year the same as before, what is different in the real world outside the clown-show that is your political system? Where the fuck does that “not good but definitely better” goes when you stop going by the words of these known serial liars for to seconds and take a peak at what as changed in the actual lives of the American people?

    The only difference I see is that the Republicans is taking an active approach and pass laws directly whereas the Democrats is more passive and like to let the Republicans and other far right parties pass laws while standing there awkwardly and pretending they can do nothing about it.

  • Y’all keep saying that but I have yet to see any of you point any actual material difference between Trump’s presidency vs during Biden’s presidency.

    What changed after the transition from Trump to Biden except rhetoric? As far as I know, oppressed minorities kept having their rights taken away 1 by 1 the same as before, police kept being over funded the same as before, migrants from the southern border kept being detained in literal concentration camps at the border the same as before, things kept getting more financially difficult for the average American every day the same as before, big polluter corporations kept polluting without consequences the same as before, the military budget kept getting ramped up every year the same as before, what is different in the real world outside the clown-show that is your political system? Where the fuck does that “not good but definitely better” goes when you stop going by the words of these known serial liars for to seconds and take a peak at what as changed in the actual lives of the American people?

    The only difference I see is that the Republicans is taking an active approach and pass laws directly whereas the Democrats is more passive and like to let the Republicans and other far right parties pass laws while standing there awkwardly and pretending they can do nothing about it.

  • If arming Ukraine does not substantially impact Ukraine’s ability to fight, how does it prolong the war?

    This is not exactly what I said. I didn’t say that it didn’t impact Ukraine’s ability to fight, I said it doesn’t change the outcome of the war.

    Of course, arming Ukraine adds difficulty for Russia, but it only at most delay Russia getting what they want since because of the way the war is going and the west’s inability to outproduce Russia, Russia has time on their side. Russia can largely afford to just wait until western weapon supply to Ukraine can’t keep up with theirs anymore, which is exactly what they have been doing since their retreat from the siege of Kiev in 2022, that’s why the front line has barely moved since then, Russia know they are in a position where time will do most of the work for them.

  • A pretty fair point but I still think you are neglecting a few things.

    Firstly, while according to this study by the Kiev international institute of sociology most Ukrainians do still support the war it also indicate that the portion that peace at the cost of losing territory is definitely growing since the start of 2023, if I were to try giving admittedly loose and uncertain bound based on those numbers and assuming the rate of change don’t shrink, I would expect this portion to reach 50% of the population 2 months from now at the soonest, 11 months from now at the latest.

    An other related thing to consider is how accurately is the state of the war depicted in Ukrainian media? A state at war that don’t plan to surrender has incentives to make their war effort as good as possible and the enemy’s war effort as bad as possible and Ukraine is obviously no exception.

    Depending on how distorted the narrative about the war is, these figures could be drastically different from what they would be if the Ukrainian public got a more neutral account of the war.

    So do the Ukrainian want to continue fighting? For now yes, but I don’t believe it will last.

    Your leverage point is moot in my opinion.

    As I said, it is a fact that Russia is winning the war and that Ukraine has decisively failed to push them back before the Russian entrenchment in their position and the dwindling military supply to Ukraine made doing so impossible going forward.

    I’m not saying that Russia could just roll over to Kiev any day if they wanted, that would obviously be absurd, but the military situation in Ukraine, the state of western weapon manufacturing compared to Russia’s and the sheer difference in manpower reserve and moral make it such that even if the west threw every last weapon in their stockpile at Ukraine, it would not change significantly what a peace deal between Moscow and Kiev could look like. I repeat therefor once again that the ONLY thing continuing to supply Ukraine with weapons is increasing the death toll on both side and prolonging the was for nothing, it’s literally not doing anything more, let alone helping Ukraine in any tangible way.

    You are right, though, that most of the aid to Ukraine is humanitarian and not military, and those absolutely should continue, but that’s one reason more to not prolong the war uselessly, the end of the war would make helping the Ukrainian people way easier and would allow Ukraine to start rebuilding.

  • This take is both idealistic and ignorant of the situation on the ground.

    It’s clear to anyone paying attention that Ukraine has lost any shot they had at driving Russia out in 2023, assuming they even had any shot at it in the first place. As shown by the evolution of the front line in 2023, Russia is now deeply entrenched in it’s current position and Ukraine, even back when Western military support was at it’s maximum, is unable to make them move from them in any significant way. Meanwhile Russia has had the time to adapt to western sanctions and the economy not only stabilized but is even growing quite a lot, especially the arms industry.

    You need to come to terms with the fact that Ukraine won’t be getting back the occupied territory. With Russia now largely outproducing the west on military equipment and the west having pretty much depleted their stockpile, Ukraine, who is largely dependent to western military aid as their own military industrial base is far from solid, will unravel sooner rather than later. The ONLY thing sending them weapons is doing right now is prolonging the war and getting more Ukrainian killed for literally nothing.

    Getting more thousands of Ukrainian killed because of the delusion that they can somehow still drive Russia out at this point is not worth whatever territory they want to get back.

    Continuing to send billions of dollars of weapons to them won’t do any good to the Ukrainian peoples, and you aren’t the saviour of Ukraine you think you are by cheering for this.

    What would do good for the Ukrainian people is suing for peace and starting to rebuild whatever territory they have left.