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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yes. Look up the upgrade process for the laptop. 9 times out of 10 its just pop the bottom off. The other 1 is like the old dell laptop I upgraded. The laptop had to be nearly 100% disassembled outside the screen. The HD was sandwiched between 3 different PCB at the center of the lower half. Bit of a nightmare. The HP, Lenovo, Acer laptops I’ve worked on we’re simple. And the ssd swap made them almost like new. I had a core 2 duo mackbook I upgraded the drive too. Made it very usable.

  • I don’t believe during the core 2 Duo days terabyte hard drives were a thing or at least all that common. I know I was upgrading with 128 and 256 GB drives. So that is very possibly and upgrade itself. But unless your laptop is your main system where all your data has to reside. Or you’re going to be using it for mobile video editing? Which would be pretty sketchy with a core 2 Duo. I’d honestly recommend getting a 256 GB cheap SATA SSD toss the two terabyte drive in a computer on the network to share it with the laptop if you need the storage. That’s what I’ve done with the laptop I use. Though it’s new enough to have nvme storage. But all my other data is shared over my local network via NFS

  • Seeing someone posting sense and reason. From the heart of a disingenuous, hyperbolic propaganda storm is rare and appreciated.

    Asserting that Biden is committing genocide. Really downplays and belittles what genocide actually is. It’s a despicable thing to do. And everyone involved should be ashamed.

    Biden can still be wrong, and also not committing genocide. And he is. His reluctance to distance himself from Bibi the Butcher. Has absolutely left him enabling it. Even as he tries in vain to reach out diplomatically to stop the slaughter. We’re long beyond the point of diplomacy. And Biden must start acting like it.

    Thank you for being a rational voice.

  • This is not defense or endorsement of China. But in the United States for instance, people have been disappeared/murdered or had their lives and careers ended. For suggesting that there should be limits on capitalism/capitalists. The country entered many wars over countries rejecting exploitative capitalism. Overthrown many democratically elected governments because they didn’t kiss the capitalists ring just right.

    Don’t get Mr wrong. ML are just as bad and misguided as western capitalists. Authoritarianism is always wrong. But we need to sort our shit too. Before acting hypocritically self-righteous.

  • So Google is selling license for code and technologies. They’ve shown no ownership of in a competitor’s product? Google is actively funding litigious troll shell corporations who shown no actual harm to harass and drain competitors resources? Google is creating and using secret apis for themselves. Breaking the ones for third parties in order to hold them back?

    I’m not saying Google’s good Or anything. Not defending them in any way. But they’ve got a long way to go before they reach Microsoft level. Microsoft is literally the reason why before going public. Google had the motto of don’t be evil.

  • I have an ancient HP laptop with an AMD CPU and vega graphics. It is legit one of my favorite systems to use Linux on. I have desktop towers with gpus that would run circles around it. But they’re Nvidia so that means I can’t use Wayland or the experience gets very unstable. This little laptop. It just cruises light fast and efficient. And though not up for modern gaming, still does respectable.

  • Krita is heavily oriented for digital painting. But it is a very solid editor too. The interface took some time to get used to. Though I like it.

    But absolutely, good is subjective. It really depends on your needs. If you’re looking to edit spicy memes anything could work. If you’re looking for non destructive workflow GIMP and krita are starting to implement that. And if you’re looking for traditional publishing specific support, good CMYK, gamut, etc. Not so much to my knowledge? If you just want familiarish… Gimp these days can imitate the classic Photoshop interface okay.

  • That’s a long list of strawmen. Whataboutism is no defense. And that’s all you got. Whether or not the US jails more people. Doesn’t excuse the brutally and abuses of ML countries and the fascist states they evolve into more often than not. I’m sure you honestly forgot 2 weeks ago. Where the modern Russia you enable and defend. Killed a political prisoner after repeated assassination attempts. Again, this is not a defense of the US. Just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.

    It’s also quaint that you think a fascist like Putin was somehow benevolently concerned about other fascists. It was a bullshit excuse from the day he made it.

    If you honestly think the USSR were liberators. I suggest you go talk to actual former Soviet block countries who lived under it. And finally got liberated from it. There’s a reason they tore down all those monuments and statues erected by the murderous autocratic politburo.

  • The invasion was never about suppressing fascism. Russia is as bad an actor as the United States has been generally, worse realistically. (Annexing many many countries at gunpoint post world war II. Slaughtering many in gulags for simple dissent. Invading, Afghanistan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. ) Neither one is good. And we should not be justifying either one.

    In this one situation, however. While the United States isn’t strictly the good guy. They are more in the right than Russia is.

  • They make computing appliances. And are progressively locking them down more and more.That said, the hardware apart from the anti repair lockouts is fine.

    But if you want to make major changes to the look and feel, that is not the apple way. If you want to make basic changes to the hardware configuration, that is not the apple way. An apple product only does what it’s designed for and what they allow it to do. But only for as long as they allow it. Apple was one of the first outside the phone space to push artificial obsolescence heavily. Which MS recently adopted as well.

    But to people with very basic needs it’s what they want. Opaque inscrutable slabs with a tightly designed stack that does what they need reliably. They don’t want to have to install an OS or change out hardware. And can live with the bland conformal interface.

    There is very little else like it anywhere else, outside of… Maybe something like raspberry pi os. Maybe Microsoft Surface hardware that they’ve had a hard time committing to.