Doubledee [comrade/them]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2022


  • “It said an “immediate and sustained ceasefire” was “imperative” adding that “towards that end” unequivocal support should be given to the hostage negotiations.”

    Read the danged article folks, it’s just saying “a ceasefire would be good, they need to agree to our hostage deal to do that.” They’re not calling for a ceasefire unequivocally, it’s a continuation of the Biden position from a new venue in the hope that it will, aesthetically, look like they’re doing something.

    At least until we see the resolution we should be careful about just granting Joe credit foe this.

    Edit: That is the resolution, it’s literally just the Biden-Israel line of “agree to our deal and we’ll stop for 6 weeks” which they are peddling as if that amounts to a durable ceasefire.

  • I think there was a culture shock when federation first hit. We had a ton of ‘engagement’ from people who were using ableist, racist, and transphobic slurs, which brought out strong reactions from our community because we believe its important to shut that stuff down on solidarity with our comrades. And as things got heated I think our willingness to believe people wanted good faith debate eroded.

    We do love a good dunking though, and I think overall the community has a lower threshold for going full pig poop balls on people than I would prefer.

  • Because the two things aren’t actually the same and because of what it means in context to oppose a culture vs. a cult. You might oppose scientology in a variety of ways, they have a leader, buildings, staff, bank accounts, a documented history of infiltrating the government and harassing people, a curated list of members etc.

    A cult may or may not have all of those but they’re a different kind of thing than a culture. Cultures are social categories that encompass a much wider range of human behaviors for one, they include things like sport and art and language. Festivals and practices and food and manners. They’re things a human can’t really help having even if you can choose to adopt parts and change others. Religion, which is a thing you seem to be conflating with culture, is just a part of culture. Egyptian Copts have Christianity like many Americans. They are also very different culturally.

    But the bigger reason people should be very careful when people start criticizing culture is because we know what that means. What does one do about “cultural Bolshevism?”

    What do conservatives actually want done about “Black culture?” What did bringing “culture” to the “savages” mean? How does someone stop being from a culture?

    We know how those questions get answered. And that tells us something about why those questions might be asked in the first place.