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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Remember when foreign minister flow a female trapped in an airport citing humans rights and Canada rule in advocating human rights, along with media being very focal about potential famine in Yemen due to attempted attack on an essential port? The same ports that US and UK attacking now?

    Yet dead silence about genocide or potential genocide and multiple press dying along with multiple famine warnings.

    The press release for foreign minister says “Israel havr the right to defend itself” and atrocities committed in October 7 which Israel media now picking up on stories how IDF killed many of them.

    Being silent like they are not allowed to speak about Israel means they are not representing tax payers and scared for some reason. At least tell the reason so people know why…

  • Lets help you a bit.

    You staying home governed by the Othmans.

    UK appears with their navy and take over.

    New people come in to the land an UK build them new homes, still some what okay.

    The UK take villagers guns.

    The new people have an organization called Irgun that start terrorizing people.

    The Irgun bomb the hotels and areas where UK officials staying. UK consoder them terrorist group but do nothing.

    These miltant new comer start killing people in villages.

    New country anounce with no defined border.

    Some people start fighting back this new government.

    Labeled anti-semtisim, UK and US gave new governmentore money more gun, villagers lose.

    Arab countries come in, USA help new government and they also lose.

    More villgers died and keep dying.

    More kids died and keep dying.

    More olive trees get taken down and people lose their farms and lands.

    Yes, it is very clear two sided issues if you see it. It is not Jew vs Muslims, or Jew vs Arab, or Undemocratic vs Democratic, or Human vs Animal.

    It is two sided, a colonization supported by the USA Imperialist and motivated by greed power and money vs indigenous people of the land.