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  • 11 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Happy cakeday. And yeah deescalation requires both parties to open to de-arm not only one of them.

    Honestly though the best case scenario of how this all ends doesn’t really look great to me.

    Either Russia loses the war, the government destabilizes, a power vacuum is formed which causes a power shift in a way likely to lead to more aggressive action in the future.

    Or Russia wins the war, eyes other countries after it settles into Ukraine, NATO/US need to respond or else it sends the wrong message to other countries allied with them, and we head for WW3

    Edit: There is also the idea of a stalemate and this just becomes a continuous war that doesn’t really end, but honestly I can’t see that being stable long term.

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  • Yeah I agree that should be the ideal however, like you have said, it hasn’t ever really been implemented yet.

    There are a bunch of groups around the world that follow similar anarchist principles, like Rojava, Zapatistas, or even Temporary autonomous zones, but all of them have some unofficial/hidden/weak form of organizer that can be targeted by people with the right resources.

    My point being that since systems tend to sustain themselves if we don’t start building systems that can function without the need of an organizer or something of a similar sort then there will still be that place where the power can be misused.

  • or anarchy (more like anarcho communist probably).

    I’ve come to a similar conclusion, however I still have some hold ups on how anarchism currently being implemented across the world.

    It still relies on organizers and extra attention being diverted to certain individuals who give an agenda for what needs to be done next. This allows co-opting these movements to be a lot easier than if we could work past that.