College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • “We choose to go to the moon and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. This is just one of those other things.” - My dad quoting JFK at me to get me to do the dishes as a teenager. I don’t think he would remember even saying that to me, but has always stuck with me. Something said about something so monumental being applied to something so benign. But that wasn’t the point, because it was hard for me.

  • I was really active in that sub at the time. Fox or CNN or something contacted the moderators about an interview. The mods discussed it and decided to decline. IIRC, they later made a post about not accepting interviews until they felt they were more ready to present clear goals, and maybe pull someone from the community to be a “official” spokesperson.

    Then a mod went rogue and did the now infamous Fox interview. That was bad, but recoverable. It was further shenanigans by the moderators in the immediate aftermath that caused the schism into work_reform. Before my exodus from reddit, I followed that community closely, but never got as involved. At the time, I remember thinking that the mods felt more reasonable than in antiwork, but that quickly changed too. Eventually they effectively became mirror subs.

    Then RIF got shut down and someone told me about this lemmy federation where I could post about all the gay space communism and fringe technology I wanted. I think that I am happier now overall.

  • I’m just a random guy stumbling across this thread hours after the fact. I want to say that after reading many of these comments. I feel like I’m starting to get a handle on what your position is. You aren’t wrong, but you are communicating your idea horribly.
    Your position seems to be “Thankfully, many crimes do leave behind lasting visual cues, so you can still do a binary search for those situations if you are clever about what to look for.”
    What you’ve actually been communicating is that “If there really was no lasting visual cue, then just find a lasting visual cue anyway, then do a binary search on that and it’ll work!” - It’s all about how you choose to present, order, and emphasize your comments. Your message is more than just the words you type. I hope this message helps clarify the debate and confusion for you and anyone else who stumbles upon this long chain.

  • DaleGribble88@programming.devtoProgrammer Humor@programming.devBill is a pro grammer
    7 months ago

    I have such a love-hate relationship with that video. On the whole, I think that video is bad and should be taken down. The creator is arguing against a very specific type of commenting but is harassing comments in all forms. It even addresses as such with a 20 second blurb 2/3 of the way into video distinguishing between “documentation comments” - but doesn’t really provide any examples of what a good documentation comment is. Just a blurred mention of “something something Java Doc something something better code leads to better documentation” but doesn’t elaborate why.
    It’s a very devious problem in that I don’t feel like any particular claim in the video is wrong, but taken within the context of the average viewer, (I teach intro. comp. sci courses and students LOVE to send this video and similar articles to me for why they shouldn’t have to comment their spaghettified monstrosities), and the inconsistent use of comments vs. code duplication vs. documentation, the video seems problematic if not half-baked.
    In fairness, it is great advice for someone who has been working in the industry for 15 years and still applies for junior positions within the same company - but I can’t imagine that was the target audience for this video. In my experience, anyone who has been programming on a large-ish project for more than 6 months can reach the same conclusions as this video.

  • The local police let a local business leader escape custody.
    TW: sexual abuse and child abuse.
    He was very well connected in the community, including higher ups at fortune 500 and other multi-million dollar businesses. He was arrested for multiple rapes, as well as multiple child abuse and sexual abuse cases. When he escaped custody, he was left alone in a police vehicle, in an area away from cameras, the police camera inside the car was deactivated, he wasn’t properly restrained according to department policy, and the handcuffs were found inside the police vehicle.

  • True, but if there is a large project with many different collaborators, they’d need a more verbose system than a CSV file anyway. (And likely a more senior developer who knows how to handle situations like this.) My point is that excel files, and CSVs in particular, are easy to parse, easy to check for completeness, and easy to distribute to less technical people. Basically, while not optimal, they will just work.

  • A trick the indie game development community has used for years is just a simple excel file. CSVs are the easiest to work with if you are unfamiliar. First column is the ID of the text that you can reference in code, and each column is a translation of that text. Get the initial translation in place, typically English, then email the excel file to anyone who ask to create as fan translation. Also, unless you are translating the Illiad, the extra memory use is negligible.

  • I don’t think that is a hot take at all. Many popular Linux tools in a way that feels like it was easy to implement, but not necessarily easy to use. This makes sense when you realize that many of the projects started as labors of love by developers, not UI/UX designers. Those folks work for money, and don’t spend their weekends designing imagery layouts for software that doesn’t exist just for fun. I think the only way this hole is going to be dug out is if universities start focusing more on cross-training and software engineering/development degrees instead of computer science degrees. If the next generation can make something useable, then people will use it. Once people use it, the money can flow, and professional designers can be hired.